Serving by Helping

Serving by Helping

…fellowship by sharing God’s Word, performing music, or providing refreshments, for example. We might find that we are very effective at praying for others or at bringing new people to… Continue Reading

Biblical Ethics

Biblical Ethics

…This is the first and great commandment. I John 5:3: For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous. Romans 15:6:… Continue Reading

Manifesting Godly Confidence

Manifesting Godly Confidence

…believer, unconditional confidence in any situation comes from God and what He says about us in His Word. God’s children can have unwavering confidence that comes from understanding who we… Continue Reading

Baptism: Then and Now

Baptism: Then and Now

…the cleansing at the time of the new birth is not with water but with the gift of holy spirit. Water baptism was a part of the Old Testament Levitical… Continue Reading

Guided into “All Truth”

Guided into “All Truth”

…promise was fulfilled. On the day of Pentecost, as recorded in Acts, chapter 2, a new administration began, governed by new spiritual truths and new policies. We now know this… Continue Reading

Righteous in Christ

Righteous in Christ

…the new birth when we confessed Jesus as lord and believed in our heart that God has raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9,10). God’s righteousness is one of the… Continue Reading

Moving Forward in Unexpected Challenges

Moving Forward in Unexpected Challenges

…such as, “How did this happen?” and “What should have been done differently?” Forward movement waits until the answers are found. But what about the unexpected, sudden challenges that come… Continue Reading