God’s Majesty and Power

God’s Majesty and Power

As a child, I wondered about the vastness of the night sky, and how and why there were so many stars. My questions were not answered until I took our… Continue Reading

Is the Soul Immortal?

Is the Soul Immortal?

…God’s immeasurable love, we can have answers to life’s most basic questions. True comfort does come from knowing the truth. With God’s Word as our source for truth, we know… Continue Reading

Speaking Words That Build Up

Speaking Words That Build Up

…part of Ephesians 4:29 again: Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth…. Here God exhorts us to let no corrupt communication proceed out of our mouths. “Corrupt” means… Continue Reading

Manifesting Long-Suffering

Manifesting Long-Suffering

…explaining, encouraging, teaching, and preparing them for what was to come. Their questions could have been frustrating to Jesus when he had so much on his mind and so little… Continue Reading

L.I.F.E. Lessons

L.I.F.E. Lessons

Who is the Author of life? This was one of the many questions I found answers to in The Way Ministry’s Foundational Class on the Bible. The Creator of the… Continue Reading

La majesté et la puissance de Dieu

La majesté et la puissance de Dieu

Lorsque j’étais enfant, je m’interrogeais sur l’immensité du ciel nocturne et je me demandais comment et pourquoi il y avait tant d’étoiles. Mes questions n’ont trouvé de réponse que lorsque… Continue Reading