True Reformation

True Reformation

…brought the Scriptures into common use and led to their translation and circulation in all the languages of Europe. The people who read the New Testament soon realized that the… Continue Reading

Free to Serve in Love

Free to Serve in Love

…hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. The yoke of bondage refers to the Old Testament law. As is true with each Biblical… Continue Reading

Enjoying the Good of Our Labor

Enjoying the Good of Our Labor

labor. Genesis 2:16: And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat. In contrast, the Bible also teaches that if a… Continue Reading

Living Free from Regret

Living Free from Regret

…I was able to move past my regret to mental freedom. When we were born again, all the sins we had committed up until that time were remitted. God blotted… Continue Reading

Retaining God’s Word

Retaining God’s Word

…who was a man after God’s own heart (Acts 13:22). By remembering the words of his father, Solomon would have learned to retain God’s Word—to keep His commandments and live…. Continue Reading

Genuine versus Counterfeit

Genuine versus Counterfeit

…shopper has learned otherwise. By experience, she has found that oftentimes items that are labeled “pure” include a mixture of ingredients, or what is labeled “natural” includes preservatives. So she… Continue Reading

Not Ashamed of the Gospel

Not Ashamed of the Gospel

…of Egypt and helped deliver God’s people from bondage. Jesus Christ recognized that those around him did “hunger and thirst after righteousness.” Having great compassion, he opened his mouth and Continue Reading

Claiming Our Sonship Rights

Claiming Our Sonship Rights

…bought us back from the adversary through Jesus Christ who shed his own life’s blood by freewill choice (Ephesians 1:7). By claiming our sonship right of redemption, we are free Continue Reading