The Hope Provides Motivation

The Hope Provides Motivation

…run, that ye may obtain. We run that we may obtain. We choose to discipline our lives to live according to God’s Word so that we can compete and win… Continue Reading

Today Is a New Day

Today Is a New Day

…on the morning news or checking our phones for the latest headlines. Something positive we can use our phones for is reading short, uplifting Biblical articles or watching a Sunday… Continue Reading

Leading with Godly Temperance

Leading with Godly Temperance

…success in the spiritual competition of life. And these standards of temperance are exhibited by God Himself. He is our greatest example of this principle, in how He leads His… Continue Reading

Free to Serve in Love

Free to Serve in Love

…hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. The yoke of bondage refers to the Old Testament law. As is true with each Biblical… Continue Reading

Serving God’s Word

Serving God’s Word

…something to serve, the greatest “something”—God’s Word. God has committed His Word to us so that we can serve it to others. II Corinthians 5:19,20: To wit, that God was… Continue Reading

Study: Be Diligent

Study: Be Diligent

…in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so. The example of the noble Judeans in Berea speaks… Continue Reading

Living Free from Regret

Living Free from Regret

…I was able to move past my regret to mental freedom. When we were born again, all the sins we had committed up until that time were remitted. God blotted… Continue Reading