The Grace of God

The Grace of God

…do to deserve it! God extended His grace, His favor freely given without expectation of return, when He made salvation available to us. He knows that we could not earn… Continue Reading

Spiritual Athletes for God

Spiritual Athletes for God

competed in the Greek games or the figure skaters of today who train and compete physically, we choose to compete spiritually as God’s children. We train ourselves to exercise self-control… Continue Reading

Our Victory through Jesus Christ

Our Victory through Jesus Christ

…We can compete in this life assured that we will be victorious. Because of Christ’s victory, we are confident, competent, and qualified. We are sufficient! Click Here to download PDF… Continue Reading

Giving with a Cheerful Heart

Giving with a Cheerful Heart

…opportunity to give, God wants us to choose to have a willing, joyful, “prompt to do it” attitude, ready to bless others in our fellowships, workplaces, neighborhoods, and communities. As… Continue Reading

Following Godly Examples

Following Godly Examples

…know the good news of Jesus Christ. Acts 16:9,10,14: And a vision appeared to Paul in the night; There stood a man of Macedonia, and prayed him, saying, Come over… Continue Reading

We CARE for One Another

We CARE for One Another

…of love on my part; this took a tremendous amount of care and commitment. Showing God’s love for one another takes that same kind of commitment. As brothers and sisters… Continue Reading

Budgeting for the Believer

Budgeting for the Believer

…21:5 [English Standard Version]: The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty. A budget is a plan for how we… Continue Reading