Staying Fit to Serve

Staying Fit to Serve

…which houses our spirit, the better our complete person of body, soul, and spirit can function and serve God. II Corinthians 4:7: But we have this treasure in earthen vessels,… Continue Reading

We Are Needed!

We Are Needed!

…the promises of God with our families, friends, coworkers, and the people in our communities. Each day we can decide to speak and make a commitment that we will not… Continue Reading

What Is the Great Mystery?

What Is the Great Mystery?

…which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. How did this Mystery come about? Let’s start at the beginning. When God formed, made, and created Adam and Eve, God… Continue Reading

Guided into “All Truth”

Guided into “All Truth”

…as the Grace Administration, also called the Age of Grace. Years after Pentecost, God committed the new truths and policies for this administration—as well as the responsibility for communicating them—to… Continue Reading

Empowered to Live the Mystery

Empowered to Live the Mystery

…authorize us to stand above the spiritual attacks we may face. The manifestations empower us to act on God’s behalf and prevail in the spiritual competition. The fruit we produce… Continue Reading