Being Faithful Stewards

Being Faithful Stewards

…to us. Romans 8:32: He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?… Continue Reading

The Joy of Fellowshipping Together

The Joy of Fellowshipping Together

…also a joy to hear words that comfort and encourage us directly from our heavenly Father by way of the worship manifestations. At home fellowship meetings, we come before God’s… Continue Reading

Why December 25?

Why December 25?

…by most of Christendom to celebrate Jesus Christ’s birth. So, how did it come about that December 25 is observed as Jesus Christ’s “birthday”? The origin of this tradition is… Continue Reading

God Will Not Fail Us

God Will Not Fail Us

…live in today, we can still go to the promises in God’s Word with complete reliance that He will always fulfill them. He will not fail us nor forsake us…. Continue Reading

God’s Word Will Not Return Void

God’s Word Will Not Return Void

…it is reliable. God says what He means and means what He says! Psalms 119:86,138: All thy [God’s] commandments are faithful…. Thy [God’s] testimonies that thou hast commanded are righteous… Continue Reading

Believing Together

Believing Together

…believing is multiplied in intensity and quality, and we can have tremendous impact. In chapter 9 of the Book of Acts, we see an example of the believing energy of… Continue Reading