Looking on the Things of Others

Looking on the Things of Others

…lending a hand with household chores, or simply taking time to comfort another with encouraging words are all ways to give to someone. The needs that people encounter come in… Continue Reading

We Are Complete in Christ!

We Are Complete in Christ!

…even completely, completely complete. No, God says we are completely, completely, absolutely complete in Christ. There is no category in our lives for which God has not provided everything we… Continue Reading

God’s High Calling

God’s High Calling

…going to help me run the rest of it well. Thinking about the goal would. Likewise, Paul committed to forgetting those things which were behind him, and he pressed toward… Continue Reading

Being Faithful Stewards

Being Faithful Stewards

…to us. Romans 8:32: He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?… Continue Reading

Our Souls Can Prosper!

Our Souls Can Prosper!

…opportunity to teach our daughter the importance of what we think when she was very young. One day she was being a little fussy and complaining about something. I simply… Continue Reading