Today Is a New Day

Today Is a New Day

…how God has faithfully given us a brand-new day to experience His compassions and mercy. Starting our day with thoughts like these can certainly be in stark contrast to turning… Continue Reading

The One True God

The One True God

…The truth of one God was proclaimed in the Old Testament. It set God’s people apart from those who worshipped other gods during Old Testament times. Moses, by revelation, wrote… Continue Reading

Dating Godā€™s Way

Dating God’s Way

…children of God, when we love God, and keep his commandments. For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous [oppressive]…. Continue Reading

Righteous and Renewed to Overcome!

Righteous and Renewed to Overcome!

free from condemning or accusing thoughts. Believing these promises and having confidence in God will yield peace and assurance, and that will help us receive answers to prayer. Confidence in… Continue Reading

God Supplies Our Need

God Supplies Our Need

…but He also does not allow “the devourer” (the adversary, the Devil) to destroy what we’ve worked for. By our own freewill choice to tithe, we can open the door… Continue Reading