Live God’s Love

Live God’s Love

…we can show this love to others. In John 13, Jesus Christ gave his followers a new commandment. Soon they would be able to love one another in a way… Continue Reading

God’s Word Is God’s Will

God’s Word Is God’s Will

…only rule for believing and practice. Biblical research, teaching, and fellowship is our ministry. Our ministry teaches and applies research principles that help us get back to the God-breathed original…. Continue Reading

We Are Complete in Christ!

We Are Complete in Christ!

…even completely, completely complete. No, God says we are completely, completely, absolutely complete in Christ. There is no category in our lives for which God has not provided everything we… Continue Reading

Staying on Course: Nehemiah

Staying on Course: Nehemiah

…had been broken down, and the gates had been burned with fire (Nehemiah 1:3). Though this news was distressing to Nehemiah, he knew he needed to do something about it,… Continue Reading

The Value of Faithfulness

The Value of Faithfulness

…fulfill those unique positions He has placed us in. What attribute will help us to successfully compete in the spiritual competition? Faithfulness. Our faithfulness in the fundamentals is important to… Continue Reading