Serving God’s Word

Serving God’s Word

…This household freely arranged their lives, committed and devoted themselves, to be of service to the believers. No one required this of them. It was a loving response from the… Continue Reading

Waiting upon the Lord

Waiting upon the Lord

…defines “wait” in this verse as “to remain firm, hold out, to wait for as the coming of the morn.” Just as surely as the sun comes up each morning,… Continue Reading

True Reformation

True Reformation

…the mystery of Christ). I Timothy 4:13: Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine. The Word of God is the will of God. So in order… Continue Reading

Faint Not!

Faint Not!

…our lord and savior is coming back to gather the born-again ones will help our circumstances grow dim in comparison and will help us faint not. II Corinthians 4:15-18: For… Continue Reading

Our Mighty God

Our Mighty God

…need and He responded, bringing them forth out of captivity “with a mighty hand.” He brought them from a place of oppression to a place of freedom—a land that flowed… Continue Reading