Our Right to Speak the Word

Our Right to Speak the Word

…his mouth and preached to the Ethiopian man who was searching for understanding of the truth, and as a result, the man got born again. Acts 10:34: Then Peter opened… Continue Reading

Our Source of Abundance

Our Source of Abundance

…bountifully meet our need. Hebrews 4:16: Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need…. Continue Reading

David:  Strengthened for Victory

David: Strengthened for Victory

David is an Old Testament believer who stood victoriously for God. In seemingly insurmountable circumstances, he sought God first, gaining the strength and wisdom needed for success. A striking example… Continue Reading

Leading with Godly Temperance

Leading with Godly Temperance

While growing up, I enjoyed competing in multiple types of sports, doing whatever was needed to be my best and to win. As rewarding as these physical competitions and achievements… Continue Reading