Dating God’s Way

Dating God’s Way

…children of God, when we love God, and keep his commandments. For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous [oppressive]…. Continue Reading

Becoming a Doer of the Word

Becoming a Doer of the Word

…Word shall absolutely make us free—free from fears, worries, anxieties, frustrations, heartaches, headaches, or any other negatives that come along. God also blesses doers of the Word with prosperity and… Continue Reading

Live God’s Love

Live God’s Love

…renewing our minds and imitating the example of our heavenly Father and His beloved Son as they loved us and others. We can love each other in God’s family, and… Continue Reading

The Hope Provides Endurance

The Hope Provides Endurance

Throughout the Bible, God communicated the truth of Christ’s coming to encourage believers, especially during challenging times. Believers in the Old Testament looked forward to the first coming of their… Continue Reading

Overcoming Bitterness

Overcoming Bitterness

…Weeds would try to grow next to the plants and steal those life-giving nutrients, so the weeds needed to be plucked out. They could be removed easily when they were… Continue Reading

Say What the Word Says

Say What the Word Says

…Word says so we get what the Word promises. This may not come easily at first, but there are small steps we can take right now that can lead to… Continue Reading