Why Witness God’s Word?

Why Witness God’s Word?

…As born-again believers with an accurate knowledge and understanding of the truth, we choose to witness the Word (1) because we can, (2) because we’ve been commissioned, and (3) because… Continue Reading

Manifesting Godly Confidence

Manifesting Godly Confidence

…believer, unconditional confidence in any situation comes from God and what He says about us in His Word. God’s children can have unwavering confidence that comes from understanding who we… Continue Reading

Helping Others by Listening

Helping Others by Listening

…well. Yet, if we are swift to hear and let others finish speaking without interruption or distraction, we will be able to comprehend their needs and encourage more open sharing… Continue Reading

Prayer for One Another

Prayer for One Another

…unto the city; which opened to them of his own accord: and they went out, and passed on through one street; and forthwith the angel departed from him. And when… Continue Reading