Becoming a Doer of the Word

Becoming a Doer of the Word

…Word shall absolutely make us free—free from fears, worries, anxieties, frustrations, heartaches, headaches, or any other negatives that come along. God also blesses doers of the Word with prosperity and… Continue Reading

When Do We Give Thanks?

When Do We Give Thanks?

…Grace Administration. Lamentations 3:22,23: It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. This… Continue Reading

Spiritual Sufficiency

Spiritual Sufficiency

…of Pentecost had fully come, God sent His gift of holy spirit, and it became available for men and women to be born again, to be God’s sons and daughters… Continue Reading

An Overview of the Gift Ministries

An Overview of the Gift Ministries

…“pastors” in the New Testament. The Old Testament, which was written for our learning, gives us some understanding of a pastor. Jeremiah 3:15: And I will give you pastors according… Continue Reading

Building Trust in God

Building Trust in God

New World Dictionary defines the English verb “trust” as “to believe in the honesty, integrity, justice, etc. of; have confidence in.” As our understanding of God and His honesty, integrity,… Continue Reading

Receive: Dechomai and Lambanō

Receive: Dechomai and Lambanō

…our class series on The Way of Abundance and Power. For information about a class in your area, visit the Contact Us page at Click Here to download PDF… Continue Reading

Why I Speak in Tongues

Why I Speak in Tongues

…are available in the foundational class on The Way of Abundance and Power. For information about a class in your area, visit the Contact Us page on Enjoy freely… Continue Reading

Budgeting for the Believer

Budgeting for the Believer

example of this is saving a certain amount of our finances in an emergency fund. An emergency fund is money saved for unplanned expenses that can come up in life…. Continue Reading