Receive: Dechomai and Lambanō

Receive: Dechomai and Lambanō

…our class series on The Way of Abundance and Power. For information about a class in your area, visit the Contact Us page at Click Here to download PDF… Continue Reading

God’s Gift of Holy Spirit

God’s Gift of Holy Spirit

…12:7: But the manifestation of the Spirit [the gift of holy spirit] is given to every man to profit withal. This verse communicates two truths that are essential for us… Continue Reading

Why I Speak in Tongues

Why I Speak in Tongues

…are available in the foundational class on The Way of Abundance and Power. For information about a class in your area, visit the Contact Us page on Enjoy freely… Continue Reading

God’s Word Is God’s Will

God’s Word Is God’s Will

…from God. Man cannot live from words that come from men—from different writers, philosophers, TV stars, theologians, even preachers—but by words that come from God. It is God’s Word that… Continue Reading

Our Spiritual Blessings: Redemption

Our Spiritual Blessings: Redemption

…disobeyed God’s command in the garden of Eden (Genesis 2:16,17), he transferred that which God had given him to God’s archenemy, the Devil. Because of Adam’s disobedience, he lost his… Continue Reading

Spiritual Sufficiency

Spiritual Sufficiency

…of Pentecost had fully come, God sent His gift of holy spirit, and it became available for men and women to be born again, to be God’s sons and daughters… Continue Reading

Overcoming Fear

Overcoming Fear

…abundance in life that God desires for us to enjoy. As we live God’s Word, we can be safe, secure, and free from all fear. Click Here to download PDF… Continue Reading

Why Obey?

Why Obey?

One of the greatest things God has given mankind is free will, the power to choose. In a busy world that tirelessly competes for our attention, God through His Word… Continue Reading