About The Way International

Established in 1942 “for the glory of God and the accuracy of His Word,” The Way International is a nondenominational Christian ministry dedicated to reaching people worldwide with the accuracy of God’s Word so that they can experience a more abundant life. We believe that God makes it available for His people to live life above the… Continue Reading

God’s Vision for Our Lives

God’s Vision for Our Lives

What is the vision that you have for your life? Perhaps at some point you have paused to consider what you want your life to look like. Perhaps you thought about the things you would like to accomplish, where you would like to be, or the impact you want to make in the lives of… Continue Reading

God’s Power: We Can Overcome Physical Obstacles

God’s Power: We Can Overcome Physical Obstacles

When you take on a tangible, physical obstacle that stands in your way, what standard do you rely on to measure success? If you face a physical challenge or hazard, how do you know you can overcome it? God’s standard is simple: all things are possible for the one who believes His promises. Our belief… Continue Reading

God’s Power: He Is Willing and Able

God’s Power: He Is Willing and Able

When I rely upon myself to get a task done, it may or may not get completed. There are times that I am willing to do something but not able to do it, and vice versa. God, unlike man, always has both the ability and the willingness to meet any need according to what He… Continue Reading

Ephesians 4: Keep the Unity of the Spirit

Ephesians 4: Keep the Unity of the Spirit

During my time in our ministry’s leadership training program, I was asked to coordinate the preparation of a special dinner for over fifty people to celebrate the American holiday of Thanksgiving. There were twelve dishes to prepare and a large, diverse team assigned to the work. Each member of the team had a different level… Continue Reading