The Lord Gives Peace

The Lord Gives Peace

It was a brisk, fall day on the grounds of Camp Gunnison—The Way Family Ranch. The sun was at its peak, and there was not a cloud in the sky. I stood at the end of the North Pasture, resting against the fence. I breathed in deeply, taking in the beauty of God’s design: the… Continue Reading

We Are Light-Givers in the World

We Are Light-Givers in the World

We are light-givers in the world. We are God’s luminaries to reflect the brilliance and radiance of God and His Word (Philippians 2:15,16). When we speak His Word, we are imparting spiritual light and life to others, thus making a difference in their lives. Matthew 5:16:Let your light so shine before men, that they may… Continue Reading

We Are the Salt of the Earth

We Are the Salt of the Earth

Have you ever wondered if your life really makes a difference to those around you? I remember in high school my fellow classmates would tell me that there was something different about me; that I wasn’t like them and they couldn’t figure me out. Well, I didn’t realize it at the time, but it was… Continue Reading

Waiting upon the Lord

Waiting upon the Lord

When I was a young child, my mother wanted me to learn how to fish as a practice and lesson in patience. A large part of fishing in a pond, as I learned, is watching and waiting. You must be attentive or you might miss the fish biting at your hook. Or even worse, your… Continue Reading

Seeing God’s Faithfulness

Seeing God’s Faithfulness

It was the second time our son would need surgery and almost the same surgery he had a couple of years ago. As we got the news, these were some of the first thoughts that ran through my mind: “Surgery again? Why? Did the previous doctor not do a good job? Did we not believe… Continue Reading

Renewing Our Minds: Practice the Presence of God

Renewing Our Minds: Practice the Presence of God

God is present in our lives every moment of the day, whether we recognize it or not. As we acknowledge Him in all our ways, He will direct our paths (Proverbs 3:6). How blessed we are as we stay constantly aware of His presence in our lives. Practicing the presence of God is one step… Continue Reading

Overcoming Adversity: Joseph

Overcoming Adversity: Joseph

Life can be challenging. Many times, we may ask ourselves, Why is this happening to me? There is a great record in the Bible of a young man who faced challenging situations. His name was Joseph. Studying Joseph’s example, we will see that we can overcome adversity when we think the things of God’s Word;… Continue Reading

Overcoming Anger

Overcoming Anger

God’s Word and the accomplished works of Jesus Christ have set us free from every prison—physically, mentally, and spiritually. Ephesians 4:8:Wherefore he saith, When he [Christ] ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men. While this is an accomplished reality for the believer, mental prisons can still surround us in… Continue Reading

The Lord Guides, Protects, and Cares

The Lord Guides, Protects, and Cares

As our heavenly Father, God wants to be intimately involved in our lives to guide, protect, and care for us because we belong to Him. There are several names and titles for God in the Bible, and they all indicate various characteristics of God. The more we can learn about His characteristics, the more we… Continue Reading

Overcoming Fear

Overcoming Fear

“This is a wonderful place to live. It has everything I need and want, and it’s exactly where I need to be to achieve my goals. There is only one thing; it is on the second floor.” I had undergone hip surgery several years before and the thought of a set of stairs was causing… Continue Reading