God Is Our Sufficiency

God Is Our Sufficiency

…things. This is His part of the relationship. He supplies and never comes short or late. But we have a part in this relationship as well—we trust. In our relationship… Continue Reading

God Is Our Heavenly Father

God Is Our Heavenly Father

…and easy to access. God is such a loving heavenly Father that He supplied our need to communicate with Him. Because God gave us the gift of holy spirit, we… Continue Reading

Living without Fear

Living without Fear

…love casteth out fear.… I John 5:3: For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous. Love is the antidote for… Continue Reading

Serving by Helping

Serving by Helping

What price could be put on the power of God that delivers people and sets them free from their bondage? God needs men, women, and young people who are willing… Continue Reading

Choosing Wisdom Wisely

Choosing Wisdom Wisely

God has given mankind free will to choose their own path in life. One life choice is, what kind of wisdom will I follow after and direct my life with?… Continue Reading

He Is Risen!

He Is Risen!

…and power. We are far above all principality and power, risen with and complete in Christ, walking in newness of life. With this new position of power and completeness, there… Continue Reading