Love One Another

Love One Another

…one another, as he [God in Christ Jesus] gave us commandment. There are two commandments in this verse: to believe on the name of God’s Son, Jesus Christ, and to… Continue Reading

God’s Word Is Light

God’s Word Is Light

…Light shines in darkness, but darkness cannot overcome light. John 1:5: And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended [overcame] it not. When God said “Let there be… Continue Reading

Giving to God—Abundant Sharing

Giving to God—Abundant Sharing

…call abundant sharing. Abundant sharing is a heart-motivated commitment to freely share of our abundance out of love for and thankfulness to God. Two main purposes for abundantly sharing are… Continue Reading

The Power of the Spoken Word

The Power of the Spoken Word

…too. The Judean religious leaders were upset about the attention given to this miracle of healing. They threatened and commanded Peter and John to not speak or teach in the… Continue Reading

There Is No Fear in Love

There Is No Fear in Love

…when it cometh. For the Lord shall be thy confidence, and shall keep thy foot from being taken. Proverbs 29:25: The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth… Continue Reading

Keeping God First as Students

Keeping God First as Students

Right now being a student is my occupation, and being in school provides many opportunities for life to get out of balance. Classes, homework, and activities all compete for students’… Continue Reading

Companionship in Marriage

Companionship in Marriage

…Adam. A “helpmeet” or “helpmate” is a companion and helper, one who works alongside. The primary purpose of marriage is companionship. In that companionship a man and woman as husband Continue Reading

Staying Faithful to God

Staying Faithful to God

…duty of man is to respect God and to keep His commandments. Isaiah 43:7 declares, “Even every one that is called by my name: for I have created him for my… Continue Reading