Paul: The Power to Change

Paul: The Power to Change

…not only helped the Church of God, but he, by God’s direction, wrote a large portion of the New Testament and was one of the prominent leaders during the time… Continue Reading

It Is Christ in You!

It Is Christ in You!

completeness is so complete that verse 10 in Aramaic has the emphasis that “we are completely, completely, absolutely complete in him.” We lack nothing! We can now confess, “I’m complete… Continue Reading

We Are the Salt of the Earth

We Are the Salt of the Earth

…importance. Just as salt has a preserving effect, our committed stand on God’s Word preserves and safeguards our communities. Matthew 5:13: Ye are the salt of the earth…. Jesus was… Continue Reading

We Can Make the Word Our Own

We Can Make the Word Our Own

…make the Word our own by seeing what it is not. Making the Word our own is not about finding something new but rather taking personal ownership of the truths… Continue Reading

We Are Living Epistles

We Are Living Epistles

…Staff. I shared how much they had grown and how blessed they were, and how I was thankful that they were surrounded by such wonderful examples, such as him. I… Continue Reading

Godā€™s Majesty and Power

Godā€™s Majesty and Power

…the Hebrew word for “glory” in Psalm 29:3 is kabod, which here indicates a visibly manifested splendor and magnificence. In the New Testament, “glory” in Acts 7:2 is the Greek… Continue Reading

Godā€”the Source of Our Patience

Godā€”the Source of Our Patience

…Source of our patience. According to Bullinger’s Critical Lexicon and Concordance to the English and Greek New Testament, this Greek word for “patience,” hupomonē, means “a remaining under, a bearing-up… Continue Reading

Helping Others by Listening

Helping Others by Listening

One evening I was going to the movies with a group of friends, excited to see a new movie that just came out. Everyone was buzzing with energy and conversation!… Continue Reading