Perfect Prayer

Perfect Prayer

…thoughts of the spirit. When we speak in tongues, it is the gift of holy spirit in us in direct communication with our heavenly Father. In the foundational class on… Continue Reading

We Are More Than Conquerors!

We Are More Than Conquerors!

…life’s competitions. But it doesn’t stop there. It says we are more than conquerors, superconquerors! As superconquerors, we are able to overcome any circumstance. In Romans 8:35, there are seven… Continue Reading

Benefits of Knowing the Hope

Benefits of Knowing the Hope

…and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent [precede] them which are asleep. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice… Continue Reading

The Magi Find the Young King

The Magi Find the Young King

…closer to finding him. Previously, while still in our homeland, we had observed and noted the coming of God’s long-promised Messiah as it was revealed in the stars. But we… Continue Reading

Anna the Prophetess

Anna the Prophetess

…the Messiah, man’s redeemer, had come. She is a great example of someone who was dedicated to faithfully serving God and His people. It is so valuable for us to… Continue Reading

Simeon Meets the Christ Child

Simeon Meets the Christ Child

…can learn from today. What a dramatic encounter recorded in the Word! What amazing blessings come to those who take believing action on God’s Word. Click Here to download PDF… Continue Reading