We Are Living Epistles

We Are Living Epistles

…Staff. I shared how much they had grown and how blessed they were, and how I was thankful that they were surrounded by such wonderful examples, such as him. I… Continue Reading

Budgeting for the Believer

Budgeting for the Believer

example of this is saving a certain amount of our finances in an emergency fund. An emergency fund is money saved for unplanned expenses that can come up in life…. Continue Reading

God—the Source of Our Patience

God—the Source of Our Patience

…patience” is used to describe God, the emphasis is placed on the noun(s) following “of”: in this case, “patience.” This verse shows that patience comes from God; God is the… Continue Reading

The Fruit of the Spirit

The Fruit of the Spirit

…Christian lives, cultivated from walking by the Word of God and operating the nine manifestations of holy spirit, for we are born-again children of God. Click Here to download PDF… Continue Reading

An Overview of the Gift Ministries

An Overview of the Gift Ministries

…returns, when “that which is perfect is come” (I Corinthians 13:10). With the coming of Christ will come perfection. But for now, the five gift ministries are still needed and… Continue Reading