Keeping God First as Students

Keeping God First as Students

Right now being a student is my occupation, and being in school provides many opportunities for life to get out of balance. Classes, homework, and activities all compete for students’… Continue Reading

Why Read and Study God’s Word?

Why Read and Study God’s Word?

…verse means “to make whole.” God desires for every believer to be made completely whole in every way, and reading and studying His Word brings wholeness. Psalms 119:105: Thy word… Continue Reading

Why Witness God’s Word?

Why Witness God’s Word?

…Word of reconciliation committed unto us. God has commissioned us to reconcile to Him those who are without God and without hope so that they too can enjoy the loving… Continue Reading

Why Pray?

Why Pray?

…and do not even know what to pray for, speaking in tongues is a tremendous comfort! Romans 8:26,27: Likewise the Spirit [God] also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not… Continue Reading

God―Our Greatest Protection

God―Our Greatest Protection

…power and not in ourselves. As we believe His Word, our heavenly Father gives us the freedom to move safely in our communities and prosper, knowing that true safety is… Continue Reading

Staying Faithful to God

Staying Faithful to God

…duty of man is to respect God and to keep His commandments. Isaiah 43:7 declares, “Even every one that is called by my name: for I have created him for my… Continue Reading

Truly Satisfied in Service

Truly Satisfied in Service

…life is the motivation to serve…. Living a life of service and commitment…produces the greatest attainable freedom.” A life of service is a truly satisfying life. I’ve seen firsthand that… Continue Reading

Bringing Forth Fruit

Bringing Forth Fruit

…air, and light, the plant grows freely. Like plant growth, spiritual growth has a timing to it; it takes place progressively from one stage to the next. Our continued desire… Continue Reading

We Choose to Renew!

We Choose to Renew!

…world OR to renew our mind by thinking and acting according to the Word of God, enabling us to manifest power. We choose to renew! Click Here to download PDF… Continue Reading