Overcoming Fear by Believing Action

Overcoming Fear by Believing Action

The believer’s greatest enemy in life is fear, because fear, in its least common denominator, is unbelief; and unbelief defeats the promises of God. Where we have fear, it handcuffs… Continue Reading

Is God Responsible for Evil?

Is God Responsible for Evil?

It is widely believed that God makes bad things happen. This belief is so common in today’s culture that even insurance companies classify natural disasters as “acts of God.” Some… Continue Reading

Face-to-Face Communications

Face-to-Face Communications

…had come to a more complete understanding of God’s Word regarding Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection. Generally, there is a much more thorough and intimate communication when people speak to… Continue Reading

Bringing Honor and Glory to God

Bringing Honor and Glory to God

…others. Our lord and savior, Jesus Christ, is a wonderful example of manifesting this characteristic of the love of God. He always behaved himself in a manner that brought glory… Continue Reading

Serving in Love

Serving in Love

…one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you. Verily, verily, I say unto you, The servant is not… Continue Reading

Baptism: Then and Now

Baptism: Then and Now

…that I [Jesus Christ] am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. Romans 10:4: For Christ is the end of… Continue Reading

Declaring God’s Mighty Acts

Declaring God’s Mighty Acts

…to a lame man at a gate of the Temple in Jerusalem. Let’s consider each one and how it displays God’s power and might. This first example shows God supplying… Continue Reading