Setting and Achieving Godly Goals

Setting and Achieving Godly Goals

…the examples of others who have succeeded in achieving their godly goals. Jesus Christ is our greatest example of someone who committed to his Biblical goals and prioritized his life… Continue Reading

Helping Others to Grow in the Word

Helping Others to Grow in the Word

…the Old Testament, Jesus Christ would have learned of God’s desire to gather His people together and to feed, strengthen, and protect them, as a shepherd with his sheep (Ezekiel… Continue Reading

The Hope: Our Future Inheritance

The Hope: Our Future Inheritance

Understanding the specific details found in God’s Word about the hope of Christ’s return is vital in a believer’s walk. This understanding gives us comfort, endurance, and motivation. God’s Word… Continue Reading

The Hope Provides Comfort

The Hope Provides Comfort

…given us everlasting consolation [comfort] and good hope through grace, Comfort your hearts, and stablish you in every good word and work. God has given us everlasting comfort, and we… Continue Reading

The Hope Provides Endurance

The Hope Provides Endurance

Throughout the Bible, God communicated the truth of Christ’s coming to encourage believers, especially during challenging times. Believers in the Old Testament looked forward to the first coming of their… Continue Reading