The Edification Challenge

The Edification Challenge

…or complaining. Until I accepted this challenge, I did not realize how much time I had been spending complaining and criticizing others. Once I started paying attention to the words… Continue Reading

The Hope Provides Comfort

The Hope Provides Comfort

…given us everlasting consolation [comfort] and good hope through grace, Comfort your hearts, and stablish you in every good word and work. God has given us everlasting comfort, and we… Continue Reading

The Hope Provides Endurance

The Hope Provides Endurance

Throughout the Bible, God communicated the truth of Christ’s coming to encourage believers, especially during challenging times. Believers in the Old Testament looked forward to the first coming of their… Continue Reading

Joshua:  Trusting in God

Joshua: Trusting in God

Joshua is an excellent example of someone who stood for God. He met many seemingly insurmountable obstacles with prevailing victory. Not discouraged by the size of the obstacles that challenged… Continue Reading

Manifesting Holy Spirit Power

Manifesting Holy Spirit Power

What do these events from the Book of Acts have in common? Peter’s standing up and speaking on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:14-40) Peter and John’s healing the lame… Continue Reading