Growing up, I practiced many kinds of giving, from giving some sort of gift or donation to giving my best in school or athletics. Later in life, I learned about cheerful giving from God’s Word and how God loves a cheerful giver.
II Corinthians 9:7:
Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.
As I applied this truth where I worked, I saw God bless my life and the lives of others in my workplace. God loves a cheerful giver.
I can cheerfully give when I keep in mind that God is the great Giver. One verse that has helped me remember this over the years is John 3:16: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” God so loved that He gave. I had nothing to do with this, yet I received the blessings of this promise when I believed Romans 10:9 and 10. God is the great Giver, and I cannot outgive Him. Understanding this has helped me go to work focused on giving. I go to my workplace to give my best knowing that God will take care of the rest.
Keeping in mind what God has done for me makes it easier to give at my workplace cheerfully. Before I knew God’s Word, I used to give at my workplace reluctantly. I showed up, but my giving was not cheerful. I went to work because I wanted to get paid. It was much more about me than about the company I worked for. As a result, I wasn’t the greatest employee, and I wasn’t helping the business prosper.
Once I learned what God did for me and that His heart is to see me cheerfully give, my whole attitude toward work changed. I looked forward to going to work every day and taking on whatever needed to be done. I found that putting in a good day’s work with a cheerful heart had a great impact. I started prospering in the workplace, and my company prospered also.
As I give with a cheerful heart, God continues to reward me for my labor of love.
Hebrews 6:10:
For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love….
Here are a few keys that have helped me to be a cheerful giver and have helped my workplace to prosper.
I start my day with God’s Word. Proverbs 15:13 says, “A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance….” When my mind is filled with the promises of God’s Word, my heart can rejoice and be glad. My cheerful countenance and quality of life in the workplace attracts attention and inspires others to give more throughout the day, helping the business to prosper.
I pray (I Corinthians 14:15). I pray for my employer, my workplace, and those I work with. I thank God for the business to prosper, and I pray to myself during the day. This helps me stay peaceful so that I can continue to give with a cheerful heart.
I keep my mind from dwelling on negatives. I find this especially helpful during my commute to work. I often play Way Productions or other uplifting music as I drive to my workplace. This helps me start my workday with a cheerful mind ready to give.
I endeavor to stay focused on my performance and choose to be a cheerful giver regardless of the situation or circumstances I may be facing in the workplace. Staying focused on giving keeps me moving in the right direction and helps me stay out of the pitfalls of unproductivity in the workplace.
Giving with a cheerful heart makes a difference in the workplace. Lives are touched by our lives, our countenances, our presence, and our love. Our quality of work and our quality of life opens doors of utterance. God truly loves a cheerful giver.