We can speak words in our families and in our homes that are consistently pleasant, kind, and sweet. The uplifting, positive, encouraging words we speak to one another can reflect God’s heart of love in our homes, bringing peace and having a powerful effect on every member of the family.
Proverbs 16:24:
Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.
Recently I learned about properties and benefits of honey, and this has helped me understand Proverbs 16:24 even greater. Did you know that there are different colors and flavors of honey, depending on the type of flowers the bees gather the nectar from? I found this out when my husband and I relocated to a different part of the country. Where we live now, there are so many more varieties of honey than we had ever considered! We have also learned that raw, local honey is antioxidant and antibacterial and it can aid in healing wounds, helping with digestion, and soothing sore throats.
My understanding of God’s statement that our pleasant words are as a “honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones” is so much greater now. Think of the variety of ways we can speak pleasant words in our families and the many healing, soothing effects our words can have on one another. Why wouldn’t we want our words to be pleasant like a honeycomb!
Psalms 119:103:
How sweet are thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth!
No matter what situations we find ourselves in, even those challenging ones, we want to remember that our words can have a great impact. The words we choose to speak will make a positive difference when they reflect God’s love, build others up, and minister God’s grace (Ephesians 4:29).
Different situations are challenging for different families. Getting the children out the door to the bus stop on time for school or getting the family to different events on time can be a challenge. Times of change, such as looking for or starting a new job, can bring pressure to a family. Also, health challenges can put a strain on family relationships. These are the times when we especially need to remember that the words we speak and what we communicate can be powerful forces for good.
We never want to underestimate how impacting our words can be and the effect they can have on one another’s lives and hearts. People need to know that they are important, that they matter, that they are appreciated—and we can let them know with our words. We can improve the end result of every situation by the edifying words we choose to speak, words that make for peace (Romans 14:19). When we are consistently positive and encouraging, our families and homes can be havens of God’s love, no matter what is going on.
We can build sweet times together as a family as we regularly share God’s Word with one another and build one another up. Most of us seek rest and refreshment with our families and in our homes. I have found that these times of rest can be the sweetest times together and wonderful opportunities to speak tender, uplifting, and encouraging words that nurture a peaceful environment.
Eating meals together and praying as a family together are wonderful occasions to share our hearts and restore one another’s souls with the sweetness of God’s heart and love. “Cuddle time” as well as game nights with the children are also excellent opportunities to share loving and encouraging words. My husband and I like to take our dogs for walks and talk about all the great things God is doing for us. And if there is anything heavy on our hearts, it is a good time for us to share and build each other up as we walk together. These good and encouraging words from God’s Word make our hearts glad and increase the quality of our lives.
Proverbs 12:25:
Heaviness in the heart of man maketh it stoop: but a good word maketh it glad.
When we are together as a family, we often have open doors to uplift one another with praise and kind words. We can choose these opportunities to pour out pleasant words that build one another up. As we do, we will be bringing peace to our families and we will be nurturing a sweet home environment. The picture I have in mind when I speak of pouring out pleasant words is of my husband when he pours honey all over the top of a fresh, hot-out-of-the-oven piece of corn bread. This is what we can do with God’s pleasant, sweet, healing words in our families. Let’s pour it on!
Proverbs 15:23:
A man hath joy by the answer of his mouth: and a word spoken in due season, how good is it!