Biblical Examples of Courageous Living: Rahab

Biblical Examples of Courageous Living: Rahab

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you were tempted to be afraid or to not accept a difficult challenge? Courage has been defined as the attitude or response of facing and dealing with anything recognized as dangerous, difficult, or painful, instead of withdrawing from it. The Word of God has many examples… Continue Reading

Biblical Examples of Courageous Living: Esther

Biblical Examples of Courageous Living: Esther

In popular culture today, we are drawn to fictional stories of courageous men and women who stand for honor and good in the face of opposition. From the American “Wild West” to outer space, these heroes prevail in spite of seemingly impossible circumstances. What if I told you that in the Word of God we… Continue Reading

Biblical Examples of Courageous Living: Paul

Biblical Examples of Courageous Living: Paul

Have you ever admired the courageous actions of another? Courage can be defined as taking action despite a situation that could tempt one to be fearful. Would you like to exhibit a fearless stand on God’s Word no matter what situation you face? We can learn a lot about how to stand fearlessly on God’s… Continue Reading

Living Free from Fear

Living Free from Fear

Have you ever faced a situation that seemed beyond your control? Maybe you were overwhelmed by financial circumstances, or you were faced with the pressure to carry out something that seemed impossible to do? Did you feel that the only option you had was to give up or to ignore it? Situations like these introduce… Continue Reading

Thankful and Living Satisfied

Thankful and Living Satisfied

Life is much simpler when we choose to be satisfied with our basic needs supplied: food, clothing, and a roof over our head. Our happiness need not be dependent on how much we have, but instead it can be augmented by how thankful we are for what we do have. As sons of God, we… Continue Reading

Jesus Christ Took On the Form of a Servant

Jesus Christ Took On the Form of a Servant

During his earthly ministry, Jesus Christ had tremendous status spiritually. He was the only begotten Son of God, he never sinned, and he could have had more than twelve legions of angels at his call. This impressive status that was enjoyed by Jesus Christ never resulted in him acting selfishly. He never attempted to use… Continue Reading

Setting Our Affection on Things Above

Setting Our Affection on Things Above

As children of God, we can seek those things which are above in our thoughts and actions. This enables us to see things from God’s elevated position. God’s Word shows us what it means to seek an elevated perspective and how we can set our affection on things above and live above the circumstances of… Continue Reading

Speaking for God in the Moment

Speaking for God in the Moment

When I was growing up, I thought that the only way to share God’s Word with people was to be a missionary in a foreign land. Since then I have learned not only that I do not need this lifestyle in order to speak God’s Word but also that I can speak it as I… Continue Reading

Our Power of Attorney

Our Power of Attorney

There are many great names of people in history; great names of people in our present day; great names of people who represent wealth, position, fame. But God has decreed His Son’s name—the name of Jesus Christ—to be supreme above all names­­­. It is in his name that true power resides. God gave Jesus Christ… Continue Reading

Strengthening Our Knowledge of God’s Word

Strengthening Our Knowledge of God’s Word

Throughout the Bible, God has shown that as His children learn and believe His Word, they receive great benefits. For example, when reading the Book of Acts, which records the believers of the first-century Church in action, we see there was great trust toward God that resulted in multitudes of disciples experiencing deliverance and abundance… Continue Reading