Righteous in Christ

Righteous in Christ

As sons of the Most High God, it is important that we learn and believe what God’s Word tells us we have been given in Christ Jesus. One aspect of what we have been given in Christ is righteousness. God through Jesus Christ has legally paid the full redemptive price for the sins of mankind,… Continue Reading

The Love of God Is Not Self-Seeking

The Love of God Is Not Self-Seeking

God, our heavenly Father, is love. As such, He has bestowed upon us a great gift, His gift of holy spirit, which allows us to manifest a supernatural love that can only have Him as its Source. God so wonderfully took the time to describe to us the characteristics of this love in I Corinthians… Continue Reading

Given to Hospitality

Given to Hospitality

When you hear the word hospitality, what do you think of? Maybe you think of workers in a hotel tending to weary travelers with room service. Or you might think of “rolling out the red carpet” for someone by presenting them with a lavish experience. The first thing I picture is hosting friends for a… Continue Reading

Dedicated to Service

Dedicated to Service

When I was younger, I did not enjoy doing certain chores around the house. However, when my mom was pregnant with my younger sister, I saw all that was involved with her pregnancy and realized that she went through the same for me. I gained a deeper respect and love for my parents who were… Continue Reading

Godly Confidence that God Will Perform His Promises

Godly Confidence that God Will Perform His Promises

A few months ago I was being trained in a new job. I was given instructions on the procedures I needed to follow, and I was also given a flash drive for the computer. I had a specific place where I stored the flash drive at the end of every workday. One day I came… Continue Reading

Godly Confidence to Speak for God

Godly Confidence to Speak for God

As born-again believers, we have the opportunity to know God and to live up to all that He has called us to be. We can have confidence in God, and we can have confidence to speak for Him as ambassadors for Christ. According to one dictionary, the English word “confidence” is defined as the feeling… Continue Reading

Manifesting Godly Confidence

Manifesting Godly Confidence

Where does confidence come from? Some people may feel confident because they have a respected position at their job. Others may feel confident because they dress professionally or look a certain way. People do all kinds of things to help themselves feel comfortable and confident in different situations. And these things can contribute to one’s… Continue Reading

The Impact of Music in God’s Word

The Impact of Music in God’s Word

Two great purposes for godly music are to glorify God and to encourage His people. Godly music provides a means of recognizing God for all He has done and will do for His people and also encourages God’s people, bringing peace of mind so that they can better believe and claim His promises. Let’s see… Continue Reading

“It Is Written”—Holding Fast to God’s Word

“It Is Written”—Holding Fast to God’s Word

Every day, each one of us chooses the standards we will live by. If we want to gain positive results in life, the standard that will help us prevail every time is the matchless Word of God. Distractions and temptations may compete for our attention and allegiance, but we can choose to keep a spiritual… Continue Reading

Valuing God and His Word

Valuing God and His Word

Have you ever thought about what you value in life? As born-again believers, we value God and His Word, for He gives us instruction in righteousness—how to live rightly—in His Word (II Timothy 3:16). That’s valuable! As God’s children, we have been made spiritually righteous through the accomplished works of Jesus Christ. Although we don’t… Continue Reading