Building a Relationship with God by Reading the Bible

Building a Relationship with God by Reading the Bible

There’s a song I learned while serving at The Way International Headquarters that describes a tender relationship with God. Some of the lyrics go like this: “Close by His side, I will abide. / I love Him better every day.” We want to love Him better every day! One simple way we can build our… Continue Reading

Effective Communicators in the Workplace

Effective Communicators in the Workplace

Have you ever come away from a conversation or a meeting with a coworker wondering if the person really understood what you were trying to say? I know I have wondered at times if I effectively communicate with those with whom I work. How we communicate with others is important to our relationships in the… Continue Reading

Speaking Pleasant Words in Our Families

Speaking Pleasant Words in Our Families

We can speak words in our families and in our homes that are consistently pleasant, kind, and sweet. The uplifting, positive, encouraging words we speak to one another can reflect God’s heart of love in our homes, bringing peace and having a powerful effect on every member of the family. Proverbs 16:24:Pleasant words are as… Continue Reading

Godly Communication Helps Make for a Peaceful Home

Godly Communication Helps Make for a Peaceful Home

Our relationships at home prosper when we have proper, godly communication. I experienced this when I shared a house with some believers who all worked an early morning shift at a nearby store. Due to their schedule, they would eat breakfast before work and then leave dishes in the sink, intending to wash them as… Continue Reading

Planning and Preparation Make for a Peaceful Home

Planning and Preparation Make for a Peaceful Home

When our children were young, they often would ask to do things they were suddenly excited about. The requests would sound something like this: “Mommy, can we go swimming today?” “Can I have a friend sleep over tonight?” “Can we go out for supper now?” At times the answer they received was yes, much to… Continue Reading

Living Joyfully: Having an Active Prayer Life

Living Joyfully: Having an Active Prayer Life

It is God’s will for His children to live joyfully each day. We can have fullness of joy living in fellowship with Him.  I John 1:3,4:That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his… Continue Reading

Living Joyfully: With God We Have No Lack

Living Joyfully: With God We Have No Lack

Joyful living is ours to claim as sons of God. We can live joy-filled lives when we maintain our focus on God as our sufficiency, rather than on what we are seemingly lacking. We confess God as our sufficiency, not ourselves. We can see from God’s Word that it is the absolute will of God… Continue Reading

Living Joyfully: Stewarding Our Physical Bodies

Living Joyfully: Stewarding Our Physical Bodies

It is God’s passionate desire and His intentional design that His children live with joy every day (Psalms 118:24). The English word “joy” can be defined as “a very glad feeling; happiness; great pleasure; delight.” Doesn’t that sound like something you would like? It is by God’s design that He has made His children spiritually… Continue Reading

Receive: Dechomai and Lambanō

Receive: Dechomai and Lambanō

Acts 1:8:But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost [holy spirit] is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. In Acts 1:8 Jesus was referring to the powerful promise from God that… Continue Reading

Positive Ways to Make a Change

Positive Ways to Make a Change

Some time ago, I realized that I had a mental habit that did not align with God’s Word. When faced with a challenge, in my mind’s eye I was still the youngster that always messed things up. Therefore, I expected to get things wrong. This certainly did not line up with God’s Word, which gives… Continue Reading