Jesus Christ’s Birth Announced in the Stars

Jesus Christ’s Birth Announced in the Stars

My husband and I were so excited when our children were born! We made numerous phone calls and sent out hundreds of photographs and birth announcements to family and friends. We wanted to tell anyone and everyone. God was also a proud parent regarding the birth of His only begotten Son. God not only foretold… Continue Reading

Was Jesus Christ Born in December?

Was Jesus Christ Born in December?

“I love celebrating Jesus’ birthday!” my son’s friend proudly proclaimed in school a few days before the December holiday break. My son told his friend he appreciated his love for Jesus and his heart to keep God first during a time of year when people can become focused on material rather than spiritual matters. Then… Continue Reading

Study: Be Diligent

Study: Be Diligent

One of the great joys of life for a born-again believer is to learn and to grow in God’s Word. From His Word we learn about God, His will, and how to carry out His will day by day. We study it so that we can rightly divide the Word of Truth. In II Timothy,… Continue Reading

The Joy of Fellowshipping Together

The Joy of Fellowshipping Together

Joy is a positive quality of life that God desires for His children. Our Father, God, has no greater joy than to hear that His children walk in truth. Joyful living results when we know the truth of God’s Word and apply it to our lives. As we walk in fellowship with God, according to… Continue Reading

Going the Full Distance with God’s Love

Going the Full Distance with God’s Love

My excitement built as I neared the end of a 5-kilometer race that wove through my beautiful hometown. Completing the race meant going the full 5 kilometers—not 4.8 or 4.9, but the full 5! Only then would I have finished the race and gone the full distance. Jesus Christ often involved himself in people’s lives,… Continue Reading

Endeavoring to Keep Our Spiritual Unity

Endeavoring to Keep Our Spiritual Unity

While taking The Way Ministry’s Foundational Class on the Bible, I was taught the truth about Jesus Christ. I learned who he is and what he accomplished for my life. Toward the end of the class, I confessed Jesus as lord and believed in my heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9).… Continue Reading

Righteous and Renewed to Overcome!

Righteous and Renewed to Overcome!

Have you ever wondered if you are worthy or righteous enough to have a life of victory, free from defeat? If you are born again, a child of God filled with holy spirit, you are worthy! Getting born again simply requires confessing Jesus as lord and believing in your heart that God raised him from… Continue Reading

Righteous in Christ

Righteous in Christ

As sons of the Most High God, it is important that we learn and believe what God’s Word tells us we have been given in Christ Jesus. One aspect of what we have been given in Christ is righteousness. God through Jesus Christ has legally paid the full redemptive price for the sins of mankind,… Continue Reading

The Love of God Is Not Self-Seeking

The Love of God Is Not Self-Seeking

God, our heavenly Father, is love. As such, He has bestowed upon us a great gift, His gift of holy spirit, which allows us to manifest a supernatural love that can only have Him as its Source. God so wonderfully took the time to describe to us the characteristics of this love in I Corinthians… Continue Reading

Given to Hospitality

Given to Hospitality

When you hear the word hospitality, what do you think of? Maybe you think of workers in a hotel tending to weary travelers with room service. Or you might think of “rolling out the red carpet” for someone by presenting them with a lavish experience. The first thing I picture is hosting friends for a… Continue Reading