Benefits of Knowing the Hope

Benefits of Knowing the Hope

As born-again believers, people who have declared Jesus as lord and believed in our hearts that God raised him from the dead, we have the hope of Jesus Christ’s return. There’s a reason God tells us about Christ’s future return and the inheritance reserved for us in heaven. As we keep in mind what God’s… Continue Reading

Focusing Our Efforts in the Now of Today

Focusing Our Efforts in the Now of Today

It is absolutely God’s will that we experience and enjoy the more abundant life. One way to live this abundant life is to take full advantage of each day. We do this by focusing our efforts on our daily commitments with joy and gladness and by living one day at a time. Rather than dwelling… Continue Reading

Living Free from Regret

Living Free from Regret

One afternoon while working with a friend, I made the mistake of not paying attention to our task. As a result of this momentary slipup, my friend ended up injured, and I felt it was my fault. Although he recovered from his injury, for many days afterward I carried around a feeling of guilt and… Continue Reading

We Shine as Lights in This World

We Shine as Lights in This World

When I was a young girl, our family vacations were often camping trips. My dad and mom would take my sisters and me to a beautiful campsite in the forest or near a seashore and set up our big tent, our camp stove, and several lawn chairs. This would be our home for a few… Continue Reading

The Magi Find the Young King

The Magi Find the Young King

Journaling is one way I am able to document and recognize my personal spiritual growth. By faithfully writing daily entries in my journal, I have the ability to look back through the pages and observe how I am growing in God’s Word one day at a time. Through my journal I can remember and reflect… Continue Reading

Anna the Prophetess

Anna the Prophetess

It is wonderful to see the quality of the men and women surrounding the birth of the only begotten Son of God, Jesus Christ. The good news that the Messiah was born was not celebrated by all, but it was celebrated by faithful believers who had diligently watched for and anticipated Christ’s coming, and whom… Continue Reading

Simeon Meets the Christ Child

Simeon Meets the Christ Child

Forty-one days after Jesus Christ’s birth, his parents, Joseph and Mary, brought him to the Temple to present him to the Lord. This was according to an Old Testament law that many Judean parents would have upheld from generation to generation. As Joseph and Mary walked through the Temple, it is possible there would have… Continue Reading

The Shepherds Receive God’s Announcement

The Shepherds Receive God’s Announcement

One of my favorite pastimes as a parent is to read God’s Word with my children and talk to them about it. Helping their young minds understand the remarkable events God had recorded in His Word is such a blessing and a privilege. One such event, found in Luke 2, is God’s angels appearing to… Continue Reading

Making Time to Fellowship with Believers

Making Time to Fellowship with Believers

It was a cold fall morning when we set out to go to the park. We had a plan to meet with people from our home fellowship that morning and exercise together. Despite the cold, a good number of people came, and we had a great time fellowshipping together. As we walked, we shared our… Continue Reading

Keys to Operating Our Ministry of Reconciliation

Keys to Operating Our Ministry of Reconciliation

Imagine you had a very rich uncle who left you his big mansion in his will. You receive the keys to this mansion, and they’re really old keys that open even older doors with countless mysteries and treasures behind them. You finally get to find out what is inside, and who knows what fun and… Continue Reading