Paul’s Example of Reconciling Others

Paul’s Example of Reconciling Others

Recently I was sent to an area for six months of focused outreach in our ministry’s Way Disciple outreach program. The area my team and I were sent to wasn’t heavily populated. They didn’t have a lot of the popular “hot spots” that I was used to frequenting in the cities I had lived in… Continue Reading

Who Do We Lead to Christ?

Who Do We Lead to Christ?

God wants “…all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth” (I Timothy 2:4). As born-again believers, we are the ones entrusted with leading others to Christ, “…for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” but by the name of Jesus Christ… Continue Reading

We Have the Ministry of Reconciliation

We Have the Ministry of Reconciliation

Out of all the ages in God’s spiritual timetable, out of all the millennia that have come and gone since Adam was created, you and I have the great privilege of living in the Grace Administration. It’s only in this Grace Administration that men and women have been given the responsibility and honor of reconciling… Continue Reading

Bearing Burdens by Speaking in Tongues

Bearing Burdens by Speaking in Tongues

Galatians 6:2: Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ. The Word of God exhorts us to bear each other’s burdens. How far does this exhortation extend? I might see and assist someone who needs help carrying groceries, or perhaps I can help a motorist with a flat tire—but what about… Continue Reading

Developing a “Heart Healthy” Study Plan

Developing a “Heart Healthy” Study Plan

Heart health is important. The heart is the organ that pumps blood throughout the body. The blood is what carries life for our flesh. Therefore, the heart is essential to life, and a healthy heart is essential to a healthy life. There are a number of resources available to help us take care of our… Continue Reading

Guarding Our Hearts

Guarding Our Hearts

We live in a world that constantly bombards our minds with political, social, economic, and other sorts of information. We could easily get swept up in the midst of all this knowledge and become overloaded with worldly information; so it is important that we guard our hearts. Guarding our hearts helps us to manage the… Continue Reading

Staying Connected to God’s Heart

Staying Connected to God’s Heart

As a young adult, I am accustomed to using the Internet as a means for quick information. Whether I am catching up on my friends’ vacations through their social media, looking up the scores to last night’s big sports game, or finding the nearest theater to watch the newest blockbuster movie, I am tapped into… Continue Reading

Building Faithfulness in Biblical Pursuits

Building Faithfulness in Biblical Pursuits

Throughout His Word, God places great value on faithfulness. In fact, building faithfulness to God is a noble pursuit that demonstrates our love for Him as we endeavor to live according to His will. One way we demonstrate our love for God is by faithfully keeping His Word. I John 5:3: For this is the… Continue Reading

Jesus Christ: Our Example of Faithfulness

Jesus Christ: Our Example of Faithfulness

Faithfulness to do God’s Word is a worthwhile pursuit. It shows our love for God and helps us build a powerful relationship with our heavenly Father. There are many faithful men and women that we read about in God’s Word, and we can see the powerful impact of their lives. We have such examples as… Continue Reading

Examples of Faithfulness: Abraham and Moses

Examples of Faithfulness: Abraham and Moses

People who love God carry out His will faithfully. They live according to His Word in their day-to-day actions. We see this in the examples of Abraham and Moses. Abraham’s and Moses’ faithfulness to live according to God’s Word allowed them to enjoy the blessings of a close and powerful relationship with God. Let’s consider… Continue Reading