Getting to Know Our Father, God

Getting to Know Our Father, God

If a young boy is asked, “What makes a dad good?” he might respond with a couple of characteristics that he likes about his dad, such as, “He plays with me” or “He takes care of me.” Because of the many things that his dad does for him, the child likely does not remember or… Continue Reading

How God Can Become Our Father

How God Can Become Our Father

As a child, I learned that my earthly parents became my parents because they loved one another and wanted children to love and be loved by. But what about God? When I got born again, learning why and how I became a child of God helped me develop a sweet and intimate relationship with my… Continue Reading

Being Fully Persuaded of God’s Love for Us

Being Fully Persuaded of God’s Love for Us

We learn in Romans, chapter 8, that as born-again believers, we are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus and nothing can separate us from God’s love. Romans 8:37-39:…in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers,… Continue Reading

If God Be for Us, Who Can Be Against Us?

If God Be for Us, Who Can Be Against Us?

Have you ever considered what it is like to be on a winning team? What kind of attitude might you have as a player on that winning team? A few years ago, our family’s favorite sports team won the world championship. For months after the final game, these players would refer to themselves as champions,… Continue Reading

All Things Work Together for Good

All Things Work Together for Good

There are over nine hundred promises in God’s Word. Reading God’s promises can be life changing. They can build our believing and help us to see what is available for us to claim. Romans 8:28 is one of those promises. Romans 8:28:And we know that all things work together for good to them that love… Continue Reading

Perfect Prayer

Perfect Prayer

God’s promises are always sufficient to meet our needs so that we can live as more than conquerors in all of life’s situations. One aspect of our more-than-a-conqueror lifestyle is our prayer life. We have the ability to pray effectively and perfectly in order to get needs met. Any one of us has the privilege… Continue Reading

We Are More Than Conquerors!

We Are More Than Conquerors!

When I was a child, I wanted to be a superhero. I wanted to fight crime and bring justice to the world. At the time, I had no idea how I would accomplish this goal, but I knew I wanted to make the world a better place. When it was time for college, I began… Continue Reading

Benefits of Knowing the Hope

Benefits of Knowing the Hope

As born-again believers, people who have declared Jesus as lord and believed in our hearts that God raised him from the dead, we have the hope of Jesus Christ’s return. There’s a reason God tells us about Christ’s future return and the inheritance reserved for us in heaven. As we keep in mind what God’s… Continue Reading

Focusing Our Efforts in the Now of Today

Focusing Our Efforts in the Now of Today

It is absolutely God’s will that we experience and enjoy the more abundant life. One way to live this abundant life is to take full advantage of each day. We do this by focusing our efforts on our daily commitments with joy and gladness and by living one day at a time. Rather than dwelling… Continue Reading

Living Free from Regret

Living Free from Regret

One afternoon while working with a friend, I made the mistake of not paying attention to our task. As a result of this momentary slipup, my friend ended up injured, and I felt it was my fault. Although he recovered from his injury, for many days afterward I carried around a feeling of guilt and… Continue Reading