The Value of Faithfulness

The Value of Faithfulness

The game of football is a team sport. There is a head coach who trains and teaches the players how to perform to be their best. Then there are individual athletes who make up the team. Each player performs unique responsibilities to help the team’s overall success. Each player has to take personal responsibility to… Continue Reading

The God of Faithfulness

The God of Faithfulness

What makes something worth trusting in? For example, what about a bank—why do I trust in my bank? One reason is that over the years, my bank has shown me that it is faithful to carry out what it promises it will carry out. It consistently fulfills its word. But does that mean I can… Continue Reading

What Are Some Benefits of Maintaining an Attitude of Gratitude?

What Are Some Benefits of Maintaining an Attitude of Gratitude?

As a new organic gardener, I desire that my garden is healthy and fruitful. I’m learning that for plants to grow and thrive, they require faithful maintenance. If there is a period of time that I don’t maintain the garden by weeding, pruning, watering, and controlling pests and disease, plants suffer. On the other hand,… Continue Reading

What Are Some of Our Daily Blessings?

What Are Some of Our Daily Blessings?

As born-again believers, we are exhorted to give thanks in everything, in all things (I Thessalonians 5:18). In this Age of Grace, we have much to be thankful for. Why? Because God’s accomplished work in Christ Jesus has changed our lives. We can now expect to live a life that is more than abundant, to… Continue Reading

When Do We Give Thanks?

When Do We Give Thanks?

In my extended family, we do our best to gather together for a meal in November each year on the special American holiday of Thanksgiving. As we sit around the table in a home or in a restaurant, one tradition we uphold is to have each person at the table say at least one thing… Continue Reading

To Whom Do We Rightly Give Thanks?

To Whom Do We Rightly Give Thanks?

When I was a young girl, I remember being pleasantly surprised when I received free clothes from a family friend. They were bright and cute and full of pretty designs. I loved them! I was excited to open the bag and try the clothes on, but then my dad had me stop and reminded me… Continue Reading

Walking in Wisdom as a Young Person

Walking in Wisdom as a Young Person

As a small child, one of the characteristics I admired about my parents was how they always knew what to do when situations arose. I would often wonder how one becomes this knowledgeable about handling so many scenarios and challenges. Was it from a life class one takes in school? A manual people are given… Continue Reading

Walking with Godly Wisdom at Work

Walking with Godly Wisdom at Work

One of the areas in which so many of us spend our time and energy is the workplace. Day after day we have the opportunity to contribute our talents, our labor, and our love to the workplace, positively affecting our fellow employees and the work environment. No matter what job we have or where our… Continue Reading

He Is Risen!

He Is Risen!

Many Christians today know and believe that Jesus Christ was crucified for them. But the greatness of Christianity does not stop at the cross. The greatness of Christianity lies in the fact that something special happened after Jesus’ death. Something occurred which had never happened to any other human being. God raised Jesus Christ from… Continue Reading

Choosing Wisdom Wisely

Choosing Wisdom Wisely

God has given mankind free will to choose their own path in life. One life choice is, what kind of wisdom will I follow after and direct my life with? God’s Word tells of two kinds of wisdom. The type of wisdom we choose will determine our quality of life. What are the two kinds… Continue Reading