We Are Living Epistles

We Are Living Epistles

While at The Way International Headquarters for an event, a Way Corps minister came up to me to thank me for encouraging my two adult children to be there on Staff. I shared how much they had grown and how blessed they were, and how I was thankful that they were surrounded by such wonderful… Continue Reading

Overcoming Bitterness

Overcoming Bitterness

Bitterness is one prison that can mentally enslave us. It is always destructive and never constructive. It keeps us focused on past negatives and prevents us from claiming a future bright with the promises of God. We learn that we can overcome bitterness in Ephesians 4:31. Ephesians 4:31:Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and… Continue Reading

Ephesians 4: Forgiving One Another

Ephesians 4: Forgiving One Another

Our loving, tenderhearted heavenly Father wants us to live abundantly. One category of abundant living is our relationships with our loved ones—those in our earthly families as well as fellow believers. What do we do if we are offended by the behavior of one of these loved ones? How do we handle situations like this?… Continue Reading

Renewing Our Minds: Live God’s Love

Renewing Our Minds: Live God’s Love

When we were born again, we were born into a wonderful family in which we are sons of God (I John 3:1). In this family, we each have Christ in us, and being filled with holy spirit, we have the God-given ability to love with the love of God (Romans 5:5). Living God’s love is… Continue Reading

God’s Majesty and Power

God’s Majesty and Power

As a child, I wondered about the vastness of the night sky, and how and why there were so many stars. My questions were not answered until I took our ministry’s Foundational Class, and consequently, I began to appreciate the majesty and power of my heavenly Father. He is the God of glory, Whose majesty… Continue Reading

We Can Tell Our Story of Deliverance

We Can Tell Our Story of Deliverance

During the many years I have been standing with The Way International and running classes and fellowships, I have often thought back on God’s perfect timing when, years ago, two friends stopped by and told me about the deliverance in their lives. That conversation absolutely changed my life for the better. These days, when I… Continue Reading

Budgeting for the Believer

Budgeting for the Believer

After we operate the principles of giving and receiving and abundantly share, how do we wisely steward the remainder of the abundance that God so richly supplies? One important step is to live within our means—within what we can afford. We don’t want to spend more than we earn. Our first step to success in… Continue Reading

God—the Source of Our Patience

God—the Source of Our Patience

God uses different names and titles for Himself in the Bible as a way to teach us Who He is. Studying the titles of God and understanding His many characteristics gives us a glimpse of the glory and magnificence of our Creator and assures us of His ability and willingness to care for His people.… Continue Reading

We CARE for One Another

We CARE for One Another

Working in the medical field as a scar specialist, I was exposed to many types of physical trauma in people’s lives. Bringing healing to their wounds required an intentional act of love on my part; this took a tremendous amount of care and commitment. Showing God’s love for one another takes that same kind of… Continue Reading

Renewing Our Minds: Study the Word of God

Renewing Our Minds: Study the Word of God

“You need to renew your mind.” I heard a mother speak these words to her child one day at our home fellowship. I asked her, “What does ‘renew your mind’ mean?” She taught me that it’s simply to change your thinking from thoughts that are not the Word of God to those that are. This… Continue Reading