Caring for One Another in Our Home Fellowships

Caring for One Another in Our Home Fellowships

Being a part of a home fellowship that is learning and growing is exciting. With this growth happening in our fellowships, how can we each help keep it growing? One way our fellowships keep growing is by the loving care we put into helping one another live the Word. In our fellowships we undershepherd, lovingly… Continue Reading

Home Fellowships Moving the Word Together

Home Fellowships Moving the Word Together

My grandson and I were eating lunch at a local restaurant when he said to me, “Look, Grandma, she has a Bible; let’s witness to her.” We did just that. Together, we took the time to share God’s Word with this woman and help her understand what she was reading. Acts 2:47: Praising God, and… Continue Reading

Stewardship on the Job

Stewardship on the Job

I have the joy to fellowship and share my life with many believers who work in varied occupations. One evening at our Bible fellowship, we began talking about our jobs and different godly principles we apply at work as good stewards of our time, of the resources available to us on the job, and of… Continue Reading

Bringing Our Gratitude to Work

Bringing Our Gratitude to Work

As a child, whenever I received a gift from someone, my mother would sit me down with pen and paper and ask me to write a thank-you note to the person. She taught me that people feel valued when their efforts are acknowledged and appreciated. God’s Word tells us that this kind of expression of… Continue Reading

Showing Kindness in the Workplace

Showing Kindness in the Workplace

Many of us spend a good portion of each week at work. We may work with other believers who understand principles from the Bible or we may not, but there are always needs that we can meet, and others can always benefit from our encouragement. By showing kindness at work, we can do good for… Continue Reading

Godly Communication at Work

Godly Communication at Work

I remember hearing a story about a competition between the Wind and the Sun as to who was stronger. The Wind saw a man walking down the street and challenged the Sun, saying that he could take the man’s jacket off before the Sun could. The Sun accepted the challenge. The Wind started blowing harder… Continue Reading

The Palms of God

The Palms of God

Perhaps you’ve heard the phrase “out of sight, out of mind.” It means that if you do not see a thing or person for a period of time, you stop thinking about that thing or person. Well, this is something we never need to worry about with God. He wants His people to know that… Continue Reading

Joyful Giving

Joyful Giving

I love to give! I love to give of my abundance. I love to give of my time, my knowledge, my long suits. I love to give my tithe to God. I love to give of the spiritual truths I know. I love to give whenever, wherever, and however possible. My husband and I have… Continue Reading

Living More Abundantly in the Now of Today

Living More Abundantly in the Now of Today

The hope of Christ’s return is a promise that every born-again believer can look forward to with joy and thankfulness. The blessings and rewards that will be revealed to us on that glorious day are greater than anything we can comprehend in this life. However, God’s promises that apply to us in this time, in… Continue Reading

Claiming the More Abundant Life

Claiming the More Abundant Life

When I first heard the term “the more abundant life,” which is based on John 10:10, I thought it meant the physical abundance that is available—a good-paying job, nice car, nice clothes, nice house—all the things in the physical realm that would make a person prosperous and comfortable in this world. With God, all those… Continue Reading