God’s Kids Share the Word with Others

God’s Kids Share the Word with Others

Kids make moving the Word so simple. As children learn God’s Word from their parents, they love to share it with others as the opportunity arises. We can learn from their example of speaking the Word with boldness. A child’s love for the Word is developed as the parents teach and live the Word. Deuteronomy… Continue Reading

The Power of the Question

The Power of the Question

Have you ever had something that you wanted to learn to operate more effectively—perhaps a piece of equipment, a computer program, or a talent? How about your ministry of reconciliation? II Corinthians 5:18: And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry… Continue Reading

Believing Images of Victory

Believing Images of Victory

Many successful athletes in the world today use images of victory to help them achieve their goals and win in their areas of competition. As ambassadors for Christ, we can use believing images of victory to experience great success in outreach. We can picture ourselves speaking God’s Word with confidence and boldness, overcoming any hesitation.… Continue Reading

Effective Ambassadors for Christ

Effective Ambassadors for Christ

God has called us to be His ambassadors, His representatives of high rank, standing in Christ’s stead (II Corinthians 5:20). God wants us to enjoy being His ambassadors for Christ, and He shows us from His Word how to know when we are being effective so we can be successful in reconciling others to Him… Continue Reading

Workers Together with God in Outreach

Workers Together with God in Outreach

I find that activities, projects, and events are more fun when I get to do them with others rather than by myself. When we reach out with God’s Word and His love, we are never alone—we are workers together with God in outreach! I Corinthians 3:9: For we are labourers together with God: ye are… Continue Reading

Live God’s Love

Live God’s Love

Every day, each of us can choose to look at what God’s Word says. When we hold God’s Word in mind and act on it, we are renewing our minds. One key to renewing our minds is living God’s love. God’s love is different than human love. Let’s look at what this love is, how… Continue Reading

Practice the Presence of God

Practice the Presence of God

God is an ever-present reality in our lives, whether we recognize it or not. And He is always near to lead and guide His people. As we direct our thoughts toward God and His Word, acknowledging Him in all our ways, we have the promise that He shall direct our paths. In any situation, we… Continue Reading

Recognize Our Position in Christ as Sons of God

Recognize Our Position in Christ as Sons of God

I have worked many different jobs that included various positions and responsibilities. With some of them, I received a lot of training, but with others, I received minimal training. Yet in all of these job positions, I was confident in my ability to be victorious in whatever I did. How could I do this? By… Continue Reading

Study the Word of God

Study the Word of God

When we get born again (Romans 10:9,10), we receive the gift of holy spirit from God. With that gift comes the ability to walk powerfully as Jesus Christ walked, and the key to manifesting this power is lining up our thoughts and actions with God’s Word. This is how we are transformed by the renewing… Continue Reading

Enjoying the Good of Our Labor

Enjoying the Good of Our Labor

The weeds had nearly overtaken the garden; yet amid these intruders stood some hearty beanstalks, squash vines, and strawberry plants. The young gardener set about clearing the weeds, and soon a pleasing array of plants emerged. Wiping away beads of sweat, the young cultivator viewed the garden bed with satisfaction, bending down to pick a… Continue Reading