I Can Do What the Word of God Says I Can Do!

I Can Do What the Word of God Says I Can Do!

It always thrills my heart when God’s Word comes to pass in my life. God is the Creator of all things, yet He calls Himself our Father and He loves to fulfill His promises to us, His children. The Scriptures are full of promises that equip us to have an “I can do all things”… Continue Reading

I Have What the Word of God Says I Have!

I Have What the Word of God Says I Have!

“Oh, What a Life I Live!” is the title song of the CD I was listening to. I thought about those words and became very thankful for how life is more than abundant for me as a born-again believer because of what God has given me through Christ. I have what the Word of God… Continue Reading

I Am What the Word of God Says I Am!

I Am What the Word of God Says I Am!

When I moved to the large city in which I now live, I looked for the right job for over a year. At times, the circumstances surrounding the situation tempted me to feel unqualified. I had to make a concerted effort to hold fast to what God says that I am and to believe it.… Continue Reading

Agreeing with God

Agreeing with God

“I think I can—I think I can—I think I can,” repeated the little blue engine as it chugged up the mountainside railroad track to bring toys and good food to the children on the other side of the mountain. This classic children’s story, The Little Engine That Could, illustrates a powerful truth: what we confess… Continue Reading

L.I.F.E. Lessons

L.I.F.E. Lessons

Who is the Author of life? This was one of the many questions I found answers to in The Way Ministry’s Foundational Class on the Bible. The Creator of the heavens and earth, the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, is the Author of life. And He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, so… Continue Reading

Blessed Is the Man That Trusteth in Thee

Blessed Is the Man That Trusteth in Thee

“We’re not evicting you, but you need to move out in eight weeks. We’re going to tear down the house.” What! I think this was the only time in my life when my jaw literally dropped. I was speechless. My husband and I were sitting across from our landlords. Our family had happily lived in… Continue Reading

Having a Quality Relationship with God

Having a Quality Relationship with God

As God’s beloved children, the most important relationship we will ever develop and enjoy in our lives is the one we have with our heavenly Father. Because of His unconditional love and unfathomable giving toward us, He deserves to be number one in our hearts, spurring total devotion, praise, and love. This quality love relationship… Continue Reading

Worshipping God by Speaking in Tongues

Worshipping God by Speaking in Tongues

Different ways of worshipping God may involve lighting candles, burning incense, or praying to certain statues; other forms of worship may vary depending on where one goes. In God’s Word, we read that God seeks for “true worshippers” to worship Him. How can we be true worshippers? As we will see in God’s Word, true… Continue Reading

Loving God Above All Else

Loving God Above All Else

As a Branch coordinator, I often remind our household fellowship coordinators to remember to take God with them wherever they go. It is possible to be so busy “serving God” that we forget the One we are serving. Our first most important relationship is the one we have with our heavenly Father, and we want… Continue Reading

Choosing to Be “Not Easily Provoked”

Choosing to Be “Not Easily Provoked”

God gives man the freewill ability to choose what he will think and what he will do in any situation. No matter the circumstances, we can exercise our free will and choose to elevate our thoughts and actions to the highest level—the love of God. This allows for the greatest profit to our lives spiritually,… Continue Reading