Figures of Speech in the Bible

Figures of Speech in the Bible

As I was reading one of my favorite novels, set in Africa, my imagination was enthralled by the author’s description of the land and its people. I often stopped to highlight the phrases that brought me joy. In doing this, I was emphasizing the words that were important to me. Well, did you know that… Continue Reading

Biblical Examples of Young People Strong in the Lord

Biblical Examples of Young People Strong in the Lord

Those of us who learned Bible stories growing up are familiar with two inspiring records of men who stood for the true God—the record of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the fiery furnace and the record of Daniel in the lion’s den. Who can forget Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego’s stirring response to the pagan king… Continue Reading

Biblical Examples of Women Strong in the Lord

Biblical Examples of Women Strong in the Lord

January is a time when I typically set big spiritual goals—ones that inspire me to elevate my believing to a new level. By studying Biblical examples, I find principles to help me be strong in the Lord while I pursue these goals. Rahab and Ruth repeatedly inspire me because, like me, they were women who… Continue Reading

Biblical Examples of Men Strong in the Lord

Biblical Examples of Men Strong in the Lord

God encourages His people to be strong in the Lord. Ephesians 6:10: Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Often one’s strength isn’t obvious until challenges arise, but we can be strong in the Lord anytime by faithfully believing God’s Word and carrying it out. Throughout the… Continue Reading

Encouraging Life Lines

Encouraging Life Lines

December 31 is the birth date of the Founding President of The Way International, Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille. Through his teaching ministry, he not only inspired men and women to love God, His Son, Jesus Christ, and His Word, but he also showed from the Scriptures how to live a victorious life by maintaining a… Continue Reading

Staying on Course: Nehemiah

Staying on Course: Nehemiah

Have you ever been certain you were supposed to do something for God, yet you had trouble getting it completed? Perhaps other activities or challenges arose, and you got distracted. To stay on course with our godly goals, we want to be aware of distractions and learn how to handle them. The Book of Nehemiah… Continue Reading

Believing for Victory: Picture It!

Believing for Victory: Picture It!

Have you ever watched an Olympic skier right before a downhill run? Sometimes the athlete will, with eyes closed, picture himself performing perfectly on every part of the course. I’ve been told that successful athletes picture themselves as champions, and they rehearse their believing images of victory over and over. As a born-again believer—a spiritual… Continue Reading

Believing for Victory: Get Clear and Concerned

Believing for Victory: Get Clear and Concerned

I’ll never forget the day when I finally stopped the mental habit of condemning myself every time I made a mistake! When I learned that it was God’s will for me to be free from self-condemnation, I wanted that freedom. But I soon realized that just knowing that truth didn’t make my mental habit of… Continue Reading

Setting and Achieving Godly Goals

Setting and Achieving Godly Goals

In life there may be many things that we would like to achieve to bring glory to God. At times we may start off going in one direction but end up somewhere we never expected to be. Distractions and temptations abound. So, how can we stay on track toward achieving our godly goals? Here are… Continue Reading