Together Everyone Accomplishes More

Together Everyone Accomplishes More

I would like to tell you a story about a team that accomplished something great. However, I am not going to tell you about a sports team or a military team or a law enforcement team. This team I am referring to accomplished something great for God around two thousand years ago! The story I… Continue Reading

Teamwork:  Bringing God’s Power into Impact

Teamwork: Bringing God’s Power into Impact

Teamwork—working together in unity to pursue an organized joint effort—is illustrated throughout the Bible. That’s because believing and working together in unity is a vital part of carrying out God’s will. In the Gospels let’s consider records of people who believed together and worked as unified teams to bring God’s power into impact. When people… Continue Reading

Teamwork:  The Importance of Each Individual

Teamwork: The Importance of Each Individual

Recently, the house next to mine was damaged and needed to be rebuilt. This required the efforts of the insurance company, the general contractor, the subcontractors, the laborers, the vendors supplying the materials, and many others. Every individual involved was vital to the project’s success. I enjoyed watching them work together as a team to… Continue Reading

Teamwork: Working Together in Unity

Teamwork: Working Together in Unity

God has called us to play on His team, the Body of Christ! We have a playbook, God’s Word; we have teammates, other born-again believers; we have a goal, to win in the spiritual competition; and we have determination. We are ready to play. We just need to know how to play together as a… Continue Reading

The Scripture Interprets Itself: In the Verse—Words Used Must Be in Harmony

The Scripture Interprets Itself:
In the Verse—Words Used Must Be in Harmony

II Timothy 3:16: All scripture is given by inspiration of God [God-breathed], and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. All of the Word of God, as it was originally revealed to holy men of God—the God-breathed Word—fits together perfectly from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21. The Word of God… Continue Reading

Serving by Leading

Serving by Leading

A tremendous avenue for Christian service is to avail oneself of opportunities to lead God’s people. A true Christian leader helps those he or she is leading to live God’s Word and thus to live the more abundant life. What better way is there to lead others than the way God leads? With His love,… Continue Reading

Serving by Helping

Serving by Helping

What price could be put on the power of God that delivers people and sets them free from their bondage? God needs men, women, and young people who are willing to serve by helping others live the more abundant life. God has given every believer a unique function to perform, and He has even placed… Continue Reading

A Lifestyle of Loving Service

A Lifestyle of Loving Service

Have you ever felt so thankful and so full of love because of something someone did for you that you wanted to somehow bless them back? Certainly no one has done more for us than God has. And one way we can bless Him back is to live lives of loving service. A lifestyle of… Continue Reading

The Scripture Interprets Itself: In the Verse—Biblical Usage

The Scripture Interprets Itself:
In the Verse—Biblical Usage

Imagine this scenario: a young high school student comes to his first Way Ministry Bible fellowship. As he is visiting with the people there, he makes the statement that in the Bible, both God and Jesus Christ have social media accounts. The perplexed listeners respond with “What?” He replies, “Look, it’s right here in James… Continue Reading

Helping Our Children Obey Us

Helping Our Children Obey Us

God’s Word tells us the whole duty of man is to love God and do His Word. Ecclesiastes 12:13: Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear [Reverence, or love] God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. This is true for children also. And it is much… Continue Reading