Parenting with God’s Vision

Parenting with God’s Vision

One great privilege of life is choosing to become parents. This rewarding part of life is also a great responsibility. Thankfully, as believing parents we have the Bible as our resource for what is right in regard to raising children. In the Bible we learn it is our responsibility to lovingly teach our children to… Continue Reading

A Parent’s Authority in Child Raising

A Parent’s Authority in Child Raising

When I was with my daughter after the birth of her first child, I thought about all the joy that will continue to come into her and her husband’s lives as they decide to raise their child in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Will there be challenges along the way? Absolutely. However, as… Continue Reading

We Are Equipped to Help One Another

We Are Equipped to Help One Another

While I was rock climbing with my friends, I gained valuable understanding about helping my fellow believers through challenges in life. I used to hesitate to help people going through challenges because I didn’t know if I would be strong enough to help them bear their heavy burden, but as I was belaying my climbing… Continue Reading

Moving Forward in Unexpected Challenges

Moving Forward in Unexpected Challenges

As a scientist I am very thankful that God set up the physical systems on earth with great order. I have relied on that order to develop successful experiments. A successful experiment gives a predictable result and can be performed by different people at different times in different locations and will always yield the same… Continue Reading

Thankfulness: A Remedy for Defeat

Thankfulness: A Remedy for Defeat

Have you ever felt sorry for yourself? I certainly have. When I was younger I used to compare myself to my four older siblings—they were talented, smart, outgoing, and had many friends. I felt as if I didn’t measure up to them. Comparing myself to my older siblings made me feel sad and defeated. One… Continue Reading

Superconquerors in All of Life’s Situations

Superconquerors in All of Life’s Situations

Do you remember a time when you were waiting to be chosen for one of two teams that would be competing against each other? Perhaps for a baseball game or a volleyball game? Generally, a captain would be designated for each team, and then they would take turns choosing teammates. A smart, strong captain would… Continue Reading

Interpretation of Tongues  and Prophecy:  Some Questions Answered

Interpretation of Tongues and Prophecy: Some Questions Answered

I Corinthians 12:8-10 lists nine distinct manifestations, or evidences, of the gift of holy spirit. By their nature, the nine manifestations divide into three groups with three specific manifestations in each group. One group is the inspirational, or worship, manifestations, and it includes speaking in tongues, the interpretation of tongues, and prophecy. This article answers… Continue Reading

Why I Speak in Tongues

Why I Speak in Tongues

When I was a young woman, I passionately longed to know God, so I took this ministry’s Foundational Class that explained from the Bible Who He is. One thing I learned from God’s Word is that He wants me to speak in tongues. After over forty years of victorious and joyful living, I’m still blessed… Continue Reading

Manifesting Holy Spirit Power

Manifesting Holy Spirit Power

What do these events from the Book of Acts have in common? Peter’s standing up and speaking on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:14-40) Peter and John’s healing the lame man at the Temple gate (Acts 3:1-10) Stephen’s doing great wonders and miracles among the people (Acts 6:8) Philip’s preaching Christ and doing miracles and… Continue Reading