God’s Gift of Holy Spirit

God’s Gift of Holy Spirit

God is the greatest gift giver of all time. He knows what we need and when we need it, and He has the resources to meet our needs exceeding abundantly above all we could ever ask or think (Ephesians 3:20). Whenever someone is born again, God gives to His new son or daughter a very… Continue Reading

Nehemiah:  Fully Persuaded for God

Nehemiah: Fully Persuaded for God

Nehemiah was serving in the trusted position of cupbearer to the king of Persia when men of Judah came and told him, “The remnant that are left of the captivity there in the province are in great affliction and reproach: the wall of Jerusalem also is broken down, and the gates thereof are burned with… Continue Reading

David:  Strengthened for Victory

David: Strengthened for Victory

David is an Old Testament believer who stood victoriously for God. In seemingly insurmountable circumstances, he sought God first, gaining the strength and wisdom needed for success. A striking example of this is the record in I Samuel 30 of David emerging victorious over the Amalekites. Returning home to Ziklag after a mission with his… Continue Reading

Caleb:  Wholehearted for God

Caleb: Wholehearted for God

Sometimes in life we face obstacles that can hinder us from reaching our goals. During these times we can be tempted to settle for less, even though we know more is available. In the Bible, there was a man who, while facing difficulties, decided to fully follow the Lord; as a result, he received what… Continue Reading

Joshua:  Trusting in God

Joshua: Trusting in God

Joshua is an excellent example of someone who stood for God. He met many seemingly insurmountable obstacles with prevailing victory. Not discouraged by the size of the obstacles that challenged him, nor by the number of enemies he faced, Joshua accomplished remarkable feats. This was not by his own strength or ability but by the… Continue Reading

The Hope Provides Motivation

The Hope Provides Motivation

Anyone who has ever competed in a competition, such as running in a race, knows that striving for the winner’s circle includes much effort, endurance, and discipline of mind and body. Are there temptations along the way to give up? Could we feel tired, uncomfortable, or even weak? Sure, but we remind ourselves of the… Continue Reading

The Hope Provides Endurance

The Hope Provides Endurance

Throughout the Bible, God communicated the truth of Christ’s coming to encourage believers, especially during challenging times. Believers in the Old Testament looked forward to the first coming of their Messiah, the Christ, and to their future resurrection from the dead. Today born-again believers look forward to the gathering together, when Christ returns for his… Continue Reading

The Hope Provides Comfort

The Hope Provides Comfort

When we confessed Jesus as lord and believed in our heart that God raised him from the dead, we received salvation. We were and are saved. There is great comfort in knowing that. Because we are saved, we also received the promise of eternal life. How comforting it is to know that about our future.… Continue Reading

The Hope: Our Future Inheritance

The Hope: Our Future Inheritance

Understanding the specific details found in God’s Word about the hope of Christ’s return is vital in a believer’s walk. This understanding gives us comfort, endurance, and motivation. God’s Word tells us that part of our Hope is an inheritance, and it also tells us what to do as we await his return and the… Continue Reading

The Hope: The Gathering Together

The Hope: The Gathering Together

Shortly after Jesus ascended into heaven, two angels appeared to the apostles saying, “…this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven” (Acts 1:11). Knowing that Jesus Christ is coming back is vital to the born-again believer’s walk. It… Continue Reading