The Edification Challenge

The Edification Challenge

All sorts of “challenges” have been showing up on the Internet in the last few years. People are daring one another to do everything from pouring a bucket of ice over themselves to eating a lot of spicy food quickly. Thousands of years before the Internet was even invented, God launched the “edification challenge.” God’s… Continue Reading

Keeping the Unity of the Spirit

Keeping the Unity of the Spirit

As members in particular in the Body of Christ, we are encouraged by God to keep the unity of the spirit. It is His will for us to be united, to keep the spiritual unity that we have by the new birth, so that we can move together in the Body of Christ and receive… Continue Reading

Your Part in the Body of Christ

Your Part in the Body of Christ

Three years into my college education, I finally admitted to myself that the career path I had chosen was not the right fit for me. After a momentary panic, that realization set in motion my quest to discover the profession that was best suited for me: one that would be fulfilling, one that was compatible… Continue Reading

The Key to Power

The Key to Power

When we get born again (Romans 10:9,10), God gives us the gift of holy spirit so that through His power and help we may grow to be more like Christ. The key to bringing that spiritual power into evidence is set forth in Romans, chapter 12: Romans 12:1,2: I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the… Continue Reading

Paul in Athens—Giving Others the Opportunity to Believe

Paul in Athens—Giving Others the Opportunity to Believe

One of the greatest examples of love, compassion, and commitment in reaching others with the gospel of the grace of God is the Apostle Paul. His adventures recorded in the Book of Acts are set as a beautiful testimony of what it means to be a true follower of the way, the Lord Jesus Christ,… Continue Reading

Paul and Silas in Philippi⁠—Speaking God’s Word

Paul and Silas in Philippi⁠—Speaking God’s Word

God desires that we speak His Word so that we can reconcile people back to Him. He has given to us the ministry of reconciliation. II Corinthians 5:18: And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation. I know and… Continue Reading

A Letter about Paul and Barnabas

A Letter about Paul and Barnabas

Dear Grandson, I was thinking about what a fine young man you are becoming. Your mother told me of how you had shared the Word with one of your friends at school. That made me think of this record about two men from the first-century Church who had a goal to speak God’s Word and… Continue Reading

Philip—an Example of Reaching Out

Philip—an Example of Reaching Out

In the Book of Acts, we read records of men and women who fearlessly reached out with God’s Word. One such person we read about is Philip. Philip is a powerful example of how one individual can make a tremendous impact on a whole community by reaching out with God’s Word. During the years following… Continue Reading

Nothing Can Separate Us from God’s Love

Nothing Can Separate Us from God’s Love

People in this world can go day by day feeling distant, disconnected, and separated from God. They may even hear or read that God loves them, but still feel unworthy and unlovable. I was one of those people. I yearned to know God and to have His love, yet I felt separated from Him. I… Continue Reading

We Have Peace

We Have Peace

On a recent trip to the Canadian coast, I saw some of the world’s largest ships in a major port. In ports like this, one may observe massive cargo vessels, some over one thousand feet long, arriving and departing. Yet, when storms make the port waters choppy, few cargoes are delivered. Instead, these ships often… Continue Reading