We Are Saved from the Wrath

We Are Saved from the Wrath

Jesus Christ is our complete savior. A tremendous part of our enjoyment of the complete salvation accomplished by Jesus Christ is the knowledge that we are saved from the “wrath.” The Word sets forth this great truth for born-again believers. I Thessalonians 1:10: And to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from… Continue Reading

We Are Sons of God

We Are Sons of God

While growing up in my earthly family, it was exciting to learn of the many things I had access to use and enjoy simply because of my parents’ love and care for me. In our spiritual family, we also can take great delight in learning all that our heavenly Father gives to His children—those born… Continue Reading

Born Again—We Are Changed!

Born Again—We Are Changed!

The birth of our children was amazing! Wrapped up in those little bundles was all the potential for growth that came with each new day! But as amazing as the “first” birth is, nothing compares to the greatness of the new birth whereby we become God’s children. Being born again gives us mighty potential power… Continue Reading

Boldly Walking with Power

Boldly Walking with Power

Have you ever been inspired by the boldness and power of the apostles in the Book of Acts or by the outspokenness of those in the Reformation? Ever since the day of Pentecost, Christians—born again of God’s holy spirit—can confidently and boldly walk with power in this world. There is an astounding truth for us… Continue Reading

Power in Prayer Together

Power in Prayer Together

As a freshman in college, it was my first time away from home. On the outside, I was excited and couldn’t wait to start my classes and participate in school activities. But on the inside, I was nervous. My mom was no longer close by to help me out, and I had many new responsibilities… Continue Reading

Being an Example of the Word

Being an Example of the Word

It is God’s will for us to live His Word and help others to do likewise. One effective way we can do this is to be an example that others can follow in living the Word. As people follow our example, together we can positively influence the cultures around us. Influencing cultures with God’s Word… Continue Reading

Our Right to Speak the Word

Our Right to Speak the Word

Speaking God’s Word is a wonderful privilege and a right we get to enjoy as His children. Exercising that right brings deliverance to others and also provides benefits in our own lives. God’s Word clearly shows that one characteristic we have as His born-again children is that we are ambassadors for Christ. And we are… Continue Reading

Praying for Those in Authority

Praying for Those in Authority

Each one of us lives under a certain government system ruled by different leaders. These government officials have a huge responsibility to govern diverse people with various backgrounds and beliefs by making decisions that affect their lives as citizens of that nation or area. Included among these citizens are God’s born-again sons and daughters. As… Continue Reading

Living without Fear

Living without Fear

Spotting is a technique used by dancers during the execution of various dance turns. The goal of spotting is to attain a constant orientation of the dancer’s head and eyes in order to enhance the dancer’s control, prevent dizziness, and move in the right direction while turning. If dancers lose focus, they will often fall… Continue Reading

Blessed Is the Nation

Blessed Is the Nation

Psalms 33:12: Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance. Let’s take time to savor this verse. “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.…” The word “nation” in this verse is referring not to the governing structure of a nation, but… Continue Reading