God Is Everywhere Present

God Is Everywhere Present

One of God’s unique characteristics is that He is everywhere present. For some of us this can be a difficult concept to understand. It is helpful to know and remember that God is Spirit (John 4:24) and is not bound by any five-senses limitations. God is everywhere present, and yet He cares for each of… Continue Reading

Wherever We Go, Let’s Speak the Word We Know

Wherever We Go, Let’s Speak the Word We Know

In Acts 1:8, Jesus Christ told the twelve apostles that they would receive power and be witnesses unto him to the entire world. He said, “…ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.” They received that power on the… Continue Reading

Speaking God’s Word in the Household

Speaking God’s Word in the Household

As Christians, we have the joy of interacting with other believers in the household of God. Whether we are at a fellowship gathering, going witnessing, or working together, we can greatly impact our fellow believers by taking the initiative to speak God’s Word to them in love. We can take full advantage of the many… Continue Reading

Speaking God’s Word to Our Co‑workers

Speaking God’s Word to Our Co‑workers

Many people spend a lot of their awake time at work. It can be so easy to go about our business and not get involved with our co‑workers. But the people we work with are just that—people. And people have needs in their lives! We can help these people because we have the authority to… Continue Reading

Speaking God’s Word with Our Family and Friends

Speaking God’s Word with Our Family and Friends

Once I believed God’s Word and experienced the victories it brought to my life, I had a natural desire to speak His Word and share this important part of my life with my family and friends. These people were very close to me in heart. Because I cared deeply about them and wanted them to… Continue Reading

Claiming Our Sonship Rights

Claiming Our Sonship Rights

Have you ever tried to take a toy from a toddler’s hand? If you have, you may have seen how passionate a toddler can be concerning “ownership” of toys! Some people have even given this behavior a humorous nickname: “the toddler property laws.” In essence, if they like it, it’s theirs; if it’s in their… Continue Reading

Power in Renewing the Mind

Power in Renewing the Mind

Ephesians 1:19,20: And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power, Which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places. When we get born again (Romans 10:9,10), we… Continue Reading

Fellowship with the Father

Fellowship with the Father

From before the foundation of the world, God has longed for sons and daughters to love Him and enjoy fellowship with Him. When we are born again of God’s spirit, we have access to God. We become His children and instantly become part of a family—the family of God, with God as our Father (Ephesians… Continue Reading

What Is the Gift of Holy Spirit?

What Is the Gift of Holy Spirit?

At the time of the new birth, a person receives Christ in them, the hope of glory (Colossians 1:27), which is the gift of holy spirit. The gift of holy spirit is inherent spiritual ability that we have the authority and right to put into operation. The gift of holy spirit was first made available… Continue Reading

How to Get Born Again

How to Get Born Again

When we were born to our earthly parents as physical, body-soul human beings, we did not have to know how to be born. However, to become born again of God’s spirit and become three-part beings of body, soul, and spirit, we must know how to receive what God has made available. Why do we need… Continue Reading