Choosing Spiritual Knowledge to Win

Choosing Spiritual Knowledge to Win

Most people desire to win in life. They want to have victories and success in their lives. If it were available to have an edge, or special advantage, to help you be successful, would you want to have it? As born-again believers we do have that special advantage—the spiritual advantage! We have God’s written Word… Continue Reading

Taking Delivery on the Promises of God

Taking Delivery on the Promises of God

The ability to deliver on a promise is an important quality that leads to success in many categories of life. In the business world, a corporation’s ability to deliver on a promised product or service gives the company a competitive advantage and is critical to its profitability. However, due to any one of a number… Continue Reading

Believing:  Are You Limiting God?

Believing: Are You Limiting God?

For about a month, the gas stations in my state limited the number of gallons a person could purchase each visit. There was a shortage, so the maximum we could buy was ten gallons at a time. Soon after this ration was lifted, I saw a consumer still only buying ten gallons. He didn’t realize… Continue Reading

We Are What We Believe

We Are What We Believe

There are countless self-development books and motivational seminars which teach principles and strategies for successful living. One of the things many of these resources teach is, “We are what we think,” based upon a truth set forth in Proverbs 23. Many of those who have taught this truth are right, and they wonderfully give credit… Continue Reading

The Two Types of Believing

The Two Types of Believing

It has been said that if a man believes that he will succeed, he is right. And if he believes that he will fail, he is also right. In other words, success and failure are both determined by what a person believes to receive. Believing is a law; as one believes, he receives. And did… Continue Reading

Helping Others to Receive Deliverance

Helping Others to Receive Deliverance

III John 2 shows us God’s will for His children. III John 2: Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. This is God’s heart for His children—that they be in good health physically and mentally. Therefore, if His children encounter ill health (sickness,… Continue Reading

A Lifestyle of Prayer Is Healthy

A Lifestyle of Prayer Is Healthy

Our heavenly Father wills for His children to manifest the good health accomplished for them through His Son, Jesus Christ. I Peter 2:24: Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed. One powerful… Continue Reading

God’s Healing Word

God’s Healing Word

Many of us have heard that a diet of high-quality, nutritious food contributes to good physical health, but did you know that a diet of high-quality food for the soul contributes to good physical health as well? It’s true. God’s Word, the Bible, when read and believed is healing! Proverbs 3:1,2,7,8: My son, forget not… Continue Reading

Our Attitude and Actions toward Our Healing

Our Attitude and Actions toward Our Healing

God has devoted much of His Word to accounts and promises of healing. He tells us that we are awesomely and wonderfully made and that our health is His great desire. If our health becomes compromised, two components that greatly influence our ability to receive healing are our attitude and our actions toward our healing.… Continue Reading

The Power of the Spoken Word

The Power of the Spoken Word

Words are powerful! They can play an important part in our daily lives and the godly results or the negative outcomes we manifest. Choosing to speak the life-giving positives of God’s Word rather than the negatives of the world can help direct us to powerful, victorious living. We see in God’s Word the power of… Continue Reading