God’s Word Is Light

God’s Word Is Light

In I John 1:5 we read that “…God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.” God is Light, and His Word is also light. As we learn God’s Word and live accordingly, our lives will reflect the brilliance of God. The light of God’s Word that we shine forth overcomes the darkness… Continue Reading

Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth

Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth

The Bible, the Word of God in its originally revealed form, is the Word of Truth. The great joy and responsibility of every Biblical student is to rightly divide God’s Word, because we only have the true Word of God to the extent that it is rightly divided. To rightly divide the Word, we must… Continue Reading

The Integrity of God’s Word

The Integrity of God’s Word

Anything with true integrity can be trusted and relied upon. What about God’s Word? Does it have integrity? Because God authored the Word, let’s take a quick look at what it says about God’s own integrity. As we will see, God indeed has great integrity; therefore, His Word displays that same unsurpassed integrity, and we… Continue Reading

Jesus Christ: Our Mediator

Jesus Christ: Our Mediator

I Timothy 2:5,6: For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time. Jesus Christ is the mediator between God and men. A mediator is one who intervenes between two in order to make or restore… Continue Reading

Jesus Christ: The Way to the Father

Jesus Christ: The Way to the Father

If you have ever used a Global Positioning System (GPS), you know that you are usually given several options or routes for how you could get to your destination. This is not the case, however, when our destination is God. He has mapped out very clearly the ONE way we can have access to Him.… Continue Reading

Jesus Christ: Our Savior

Jesus Christ: Our Savior

God originally made man a threefold being—body, soul, and spirit. But ever since the fall of man, mankind was in a dilemma. Man had a huge problem: he had lost God’s created spirit. He lost his spiritual connection with God, Who is Spirit. Now man was just body and soul. Man was not whole and… Continue Reading

Jesus Christ: Our Promised Seed

Jesus Christ: Our Promised Seed

God’s Word records from the early chapters in Genesis the amazing love that God has for His people. He set up the earth so that mankind could inhabit it and so that mankind could have a loving relationship with Him. After the fall of man, when man lost his spiritual connection with God, the Author… Continue Reading

God Is Our Heavenly Father

God Is Our Heavenly Father

From another room, I confidently and calmly called out for help: “Daddy!” My sister and I were stuck and we needed help. We had decided to fix a broken lamp by ourselves. Although we were of a responsible age, we did not have experience working with the type of heavy-duty glue we had decided to… Continue Reading

God Is Our Protector

God Is Our Protector

As a new parent with a toddler, I’m concerned daily for her safety and protection. Wherever we are, I scan our environment for potential hazards, removing delicate or harmful items from her little hands’ reach. I run to catch my daughter before she falls, hold her hand as she climbs the stairs, and pick her… Continue Reading

God Is Our Refuge

God Is Our Refuge

Our God is a loving Father to us, His children. He takes care of every need we may have in life. One way God shows His love to us is by being our refuge. In Psalm 46 we see this truth very clearly. Psalms 46:1: God is our refuge and strength, a very present help… Continue Reading