Reaching Out to Help Others

Reaching Out to Help Others

God never intended for us to be alone in the various challenges we will face in life. On the contrary, in His Word, God tells us that we are to forbear (bear up, hold up, endure, bear with, or sustain) one another. In Ephesians 5:2, He tells us that we are to “…walk in love,… Continue Reading

Helping Others Take Believing Action

Helping Others Take Believing Action

God’s deliverance is presently available. Right now, anyone can be freed from the weight of any need or lack. We can help others receive God’s deliverance as we share God’s Word and encourage them to take steps of believing. Believing action is the key that opens the door to deliverance. At times, to see deliverance… Continue Reading

Helping Others by Listening

Helping Others by Listening

One evening I was going to the movies with a group of friends, excited to see a new movie that just came out. Everyone was buzzing with energy and conversation! Almost everyone. I noticed that one of my friends who was normally bright, energetic, and outgoing on even a normal day was being very quiet… Continue Reading

Leading with Godly Temperance

Leading with Godly Temperance

While growing up, I enjoyed competing in multiple types of sports, doing whatever was needed to be my best and to win. As rewarding as these physical competitions and achievements were, no victory has been as sweet as effectively leading God’s people to the more than abundant life. No matter what task I’ve chosen to… Continue Reading

Spiritual Athletes Are Able to Win!

Spiritual Athletes Are Able to Win!

In the Old Testament, God’s people had to fight and defeat a physical enemy. They were soldiers of the Lord. In the Grace Administration today, our competition is not against a physical enemy. As born-again believers, we are in a spiritual competition, and we have a spiritual opponent. This knowledge does not need to discourage… Continue Reading

Superconquerors in All of Life’s Situations

Superconquerors in All of Life’s Situations

Editor’s Note: As we grow in our understanding of the spiritual competition of life, which is laid out in the Word of God, we can be reminded that we are superconquerors in all of life’s situations. Enjoy this article “from the vault,” originally published in April of 2018, which details devices our adversary uses against… Continue Reading

Spiritual Athletes for God

Spiritual Athletes for God

Did you ever play a sport as a kid? Perhaps you just enjoy watching sports. I particularly enjoy watching the sport of figure skating. Whether skating alone or with a partner, figure skaters display incredible athleticism and precision in their movements. They discipline their minds and strengthen and train their bodies to glide smoothly across… Continue Reading

Free to Serve in Love

Free to Serve in Love

God has given believers in the Grace Administration a very important command. We are told to stand fast in liberty. Galatians 5:1:Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. The yoke of bondage refers to the Old Testament law. As is… Continue Reading

The Grace of God

The Grace of God

As God’s children, we have received an abundance of blessings from Him. One of the most fundamental blessings we gain when we become children of God is salvation. Although we know this monumental blessing is ours to claim, at times it may feel too good to be true. There must be something more we should… Continue Reading

God’s Word Communicated Throughout the Ages

God’s Word Communicated Throughout the Ages

In most of the world today, it is very easy to find God’s Word, which is where we find His will. Bibles are plentiful and produced in many different languages and formats. But what did people do to find God’s will before the Word was written down? The answers are found in the Bible itself.… Continue Reading