God’s Word in Business: Problem Solving

God’s Word in Business: Problem Solving

In business, at times we will be faced with problems. Problems come in all different shapes and sizes: ineffective procedures, too much expense and not enough profit, equipment breaking down, etc. While the examples given here are all different, there is a plan to solving problems that can be used by anyone in business to… Continue Reading

Be Bold in Your Believing

Be Bold in Your Believing

One of the most impacting things I learned the first time I took The Way Ministry’s Foundational Class was the law of believing. Jesus Christ stated in Mark 11:24, “…What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, BELIEVE that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.” The law of believing, simply stated, is that… Continue Reading

A Full and Abundant Life

A Full and Abundant Life

Many years ago, I was young and single and uncertain about what the future held for me. I loved God deeply and knew that I had only one life to live. I had seen God’s deliverance and received answers in my life by way of The Way Ministry, and I wanted to give back to… Continue Reading

God’s Abundant Supply

God’s Abundant Supply

Ever since I was born again and spoke in tongues, it has been my desire to serve God. I can achieve this desire by walking in the steps of Jesus Christ. Having the opportunity to serve God’s people has placed my wife and me in a position to experience the beneficent and faithful care of… Continue Reading

Serving God as a Family

Serving God as a Family

I’ve had the privilege to be involved with The Way Ministry since childhood. When I was sixteen years old, my mom entered the training to become a Way Corps minister, and I accompanied her. During that time, I clearly heard God’s call for me to be a Way Corps minister when I grew up. Twenty-five… Continue Reading

Truly Satisfied in Service

Truly Satisfied in Service

Growing up, I was involved with The Way Ministry, but it wasn’t until I decided to participate in our ministry’s outreach program that I truly began to recognize and understand God’s call for my life. While serving as a Way Disciple, I saw the faithfulness of God and His Word. I saw that the more… Continue Reading

Living My Life’s Dream in Service

Living My Life’s Dream in Service

After pursuing a career in the performing arts, I knew that my heart’s desire would not be completely fulfilled until I trusted God with my all. I wanted to make a difference, and after taking The Way Ministry’s Foundational Class, I realized that serving God was how to do it. Psalms 37:3-7 is a section… Continue Reading

A Life Worth Living

A Life Worth Living

Staying clear on what a more abundant life really is can be very challenging because we are influenced by so many sources that are trying to define it for us. Serving according to God’s Word is a key to retaining an honest definition of a more abundant life so that I can live life to… Continue Reading

Staying Faithful to God

Staying Faithful to God

One of the most impacting things that God has done for me is to give me a purpose for life. In Ecclesiastes 12:13, the purpose is clear and simple: the whole duty of man is to respect God and to keep His commandments. Isaiah 43:7 declares, “Even every one that is called by my name: for I… Continue Reading

Maturing Spiritually

Maturing Spiritually

Becoming mature spiritually is a good thing! Maturing spiritually is about becoming more Christlike. We become more Christlike to the degree that God’s Word lives in us and we live the Word. We learn the Word, we live the Word, we give the Word. Then we learn more of the Word, we live more of… Continue Reading